Blake Date

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(Y/N) was walking through Vale with Blake at his side. "Where did you want to go?" (Y/N) asks 

"I was thinking we might go to the carnival" Blake says

"Do you want me to win you a cat plushie?" (Y/N) teases  and Blake starts freaking out a little 

"Does my outfit have a bow or something to cover my ears?"

"No, the outfit I saw had nothing on the head. You can't feel your ears?" 

"They get a little numb when I hide them under my bow" Blake admits

"You should keep them out more, they're cute" (Y/N) says staring at them

"People are going to kick us out of the carnival and shout at us" Blake sighs and (Y/N) puts an arm over her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. 

"Relax Blake, nothing bad will happen" 

"You're too optimistic (Y/N)" Blake says and they stand in the line to get tickets for the carnival. 

"Fuck you faunus tra-" someone tries to shout at the two, but a gag appears in his mouth 

"See (Y/N), people don't like what I am"

"I don't hear him complaining" 

"That's because you gagged him" Blake says and the two step up to order their tickets

"I need 100 tickets" (Y/N) says setting 100 line on the table

"That's only 25 lien sir" the emotionally dead faunus behind the thick glass says handing him his tickets and change

"I know, you keep the rest" (Y/N) says taking the tickets and pushing the change back to her. (Y/N) leads Blake through the park and to a funnel cake stand. "One with strawberry sauce and extra powdered sugar" (Y/N) says and the person shoots him and Blake a dirty look before handing him his food and saying

"That's 10 lien" 

"The sign says 5" (Y/N) says 

"We have a 5 lien charge for serving trash like her" He says pointing at Blake 

"What if I did this?" (Y/N) asks kissing Blake on the lips right in front of the, now gagging, funnel cake seller. 

"Just leave before you scare away my customers!" the seller shouts and (Y/N) pulls a blushing Blake away

"How can you just put up with what he said? Don't you want to punch him?" Blake asks

"No, violence breeds violence and hatred breeds hatred. When I said nothing bad will happen I didn't mean that everyone will love you or me, I meant that we will still have a fun time" (Y/N) explains "Funnel cake?"

"No thanks, I'm good" Blake says

"I insist Blake, free food always tastes better" (Y/N) says, handing her a half. 

"Alright" Blake says taking a small bite from the half before devouring it. 

"Delicious, isn't it?" (Y/N) asks

"How can something so delicious not have fish in it?"

"A lot of sugar," (Y/N) says pulling out their tickets, "where do you want to go?"

"Do they have a teacup ride?" Blake asks

"Would it even be a carnival without one?" (Y/N) asks and they head towards it

Hours later

"This was so much fun, thanks (Y/N)" Blake says, hugging (Y/N)'s arm

"It was your idea," (Y/N) says, "I just came with you"

"No, you bought the tickets, the funnel cake, taught me something, and we had fun together"

"I wouldn't have thought of coming to the carnival though"

"Stop trying to downplay your par-do you see that?" Blake asks, pointing at a giant, fuzzy, stuffed tuna toy.

"The tuna toy?" (Y/N) asks and Blake nods vigorously 

"Win it for me please" Blake beggs 

"Sure, I'll win it" (Y/N) says pulling out a 20 and walking over to the booth, Blake still on his arm. 

"Well aren't you two just a cute couple" A man with a deep Vaccou accent says

"Thank you, I'd like a chance to win that tuna plushie" (Y/N) says handing him the 20 for 20 tries at knocking over the metal beowulf with a foam ball. 

"Good luck young man" the carnie says and (Y/N) gently throws the first 19 balls at the target, not even wiggling it. "Last chance to win the lovely cat a tuna" the carnie says handing (Y/N) his final foam ball. (Y/N) takes a step back before throwing the ball. The carnie smirks as the ball slowly flies towards the target, slower than all of the balls before. As soon as the ball hits, not only does the beowulf fall down, it spins on its axle several times before stopping upside down. 

"Guess I threw it too hard" (Y/N) says picking up the plushie and handing it to Blake, and the two walk back to the bullhead landing zones. (Y/N) and Blake take a seat in an empty bullhead. Blake snuggles into her new tuna plushie and falls asleep using (Y/N)'s lap as a pillow. The bullhead lands a little hard and ends up waking Blake up.

"Are we back at Beacon?" She asks, stretching as (Y/N) stands up

"Yeah, do you need help?" (Y/N) asks, offering her a hand. Blake shakes her head and gets up, tuna still in hand. 

"No thanks (Y/N), I can walk" Blake says and (Y/N) walks her to team RWBY's dorm.

"I had fun tonight Blake, do you wanna see a movie sometime?" 

"I'd like that, there's this new movie on the history of faunus coming out, we could see that if you want"

"Sure, as long as you're there I'm sure it'd be fun" (Y/N) says smiling. The two lean forward and kiss, but seperate when the door flies open.  

"(Y/N)! Blake! You guys are back!" Ruby shouts 

"You could have waited for me to come in" Blake says

"Yang said you guys would be happy to see me," Ruby says disappointedly. (Y/N) ruffels Ruby's hair 

"We are happy to see you, you just can't go invading people's private time" (Y/N) explains, looking at Blake when he's done. "I'll see you tomorrow Kitty" (Y/N) says pecking her on the lips and heading to his room

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