Chapter 11

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After dinner, Mrs White cleared our plates. I smiled politely and thanked her. She responded with a smile and left. Anxiety kicked in again. What do I do now?

"Jace, can you come over for a second? I would like to speak to you," Mrs Leighton said. She glanced at me and emphasised, "Privately."

I gulped. What's with that look? Did I do something wrong? Is it my table manners? Did I sit on the wrong chair? Is she going to make Jace break up with me? So many questions rushed through my mind as I twiddled my fingers.

"Sure," he replied and the two went upstairs.

I watched as they left. Huh? I looked around and saw Mrs White standing beside me. "Would you like a drink, dear?" she asked.

I contemplated for a moment before replying, "Sure. Um, apple juice, please." She grinned and left for the kitchen. She came back with a glass of apple juice and I thanked her. I sipped on my juice and wondered, What can it be?

Shaking my head, I took out my phone. Yvette texted me to ask me how dinner with Avery Hudson was. I replied: It's cool. She cooks very well. Also, this house is freaking huge and gorgeous I can't even...

I looked around me and sighed. The apartment my mother left for me is probably less than half the size of Jace's house. Of course, this is a townhouse, not an apartment in the Upper West Side, Manhattan. It totally stands out in the rows of apartment buildings here.

Gosh, I bet Jace has a whole floor to himself.

When we went to his party, we were only allowed on the first floor where the common room, the kitchen and the dining room are, and the second floor where the library and music room are. Imagine living in a five-storey house.

Yvette replied: Oh my... look how lucky you are! Not everyone gets to taste the cooking of a celebrity! Your boyfriend grew up eating her food. If only I was a celebrity's daughter... but I'm happy with my own parents. Haha.

Haha indeed. I looked at the stairs and saw that Jace and Mrs Leighton were still not done talking. What is it that they have to talk for so long? I finished my apple juice and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch and looked at my phone again.

"Where did Belinda go?" I heard Mrs Leighton's voice.

"Oh, sorry. I'm here," I replied, walking towards her. Jace grinned as soon as our eyes met. I approached him and whispered, "What did she tell you?"

"She likes you," he replied. "What did you do to charm her?"

I shrugged. "Nothing," I replied. Except that I found out that she was my mother's best friend and she knows my aunt quite well too. Perhaps she saw me as a goddaughter ever since she saw me when I was a child. I have no idea.

"Now, smile. You have been approved by Avery Hudson," he chuckled.

"Very funny, Jace," I deadpanned and pinched his nose.

"You two are so cute. Now, let's take a picture of you two," Mrs Leighton suggested. We hugged each other and smiled. I flashed the ring Jace had made for me. She took a photo of us with her phone and said, "I'll send this to Jace. He'll send it to you."

I replied, "Thanks!" I bit my lip as I prepared myself to say what I was going to say next, "Um, can I also take a photo with you, Mrs Leighton? I'm a huge fan."

She burst into laughter. She put an arm around me and said, "Of course, my dear. You're a part of us. You're my best friend's daughter and my son's girlfriend. I've known you since you were little but you were probably too young to remember."

She handed her phone to Jace who took a photo of us. Yvette will be so jealous of me when I show her this picture. She loves Avery Hudson. In fact, she was the one who made me watch her movies and that got me to love her too!

"Can I have a photo with you too?" Jace asked as he handed his mother back her phone.

"No," she replied firmly. "Quit fooling around. You can show your girlfriend your room and perhaps do whatever you two want to do... or you can send her home. It's getting kind of late. Don't worry, I can drop your aunt a text if you're staying over."

I blushed.

"Mum!" Jace hollered and covered his face.

She laughed, "Alright, alright. No more teasing. I'm just going to sit here and watch TV as I wait for your father to come home. As long as it doesn't involve destroying the house or nearly killing yourself, you can do anything you want."

Ooh, she's one chill mother. I wonder what Mum will be like towards me today if she didn't die from that car crash.

"Thanks, Mum," he replied. He turned to me and whispered, "Let's go upstairs."

"Okay," I murmured and he pulled me into the elevator. Yes, his house has an elevator. No one wants to climb five flights of stairs after all. He pressed the number '3' and we went up. The door opened and we walked out.

"This is my room," he explained. "Yes, I know. It's one whole floor. I'm an extremely rich and privileged child. Blah blah blah."

I looked at him, squinting. "What was that for?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, to be honest."

"Your room's kind of cool. I mean, I technically have one whole floor to myself too. I live alone in my own apartment. I'm also an extremely rich and privileged child, blah blah blah," I laughed. "Okay, maybe not extremely rich. I'm average rich."

I walked around his room which, if I may emphasise, is the entire third floor. On the end facing the entrance is Jace's personal living room. "Oh my God, it's a bean bag chair," I gasped and jumped onto it. It's so huge and comfortable.

I got up and walked to the other side of the room and into his bedroom. Do I make any sense here? Anyway, it's awesome! He has a freaking king-sized bed! Okay, mine's queen-sized but it's still one size smaller. Oh, such luxury! "May I?"

"You may," he replied.

I jumped onto his bed. This is top-notch quality. I love this bed. You can sleep in it all day anytime you want since you're dating him, a dirty thought surfaced in my mind. I pushed it away. Haha but no. We have rules and one of them is no sex.

He climbed onto the bed and sighed. We lay beside each other and stared at the ceiling. "You have to show me your apartment one day."

"Okay, it's only fair," I replied. I have this urge to just kiss him right now on this bed. Calm your hormones, Belinda. If you want to kiss him, don't do it here. You might break a rule. "I like your room. It's the size of my apartment."

"Thanks," he said. After a few seconds, he continued, "Wait, did you just roast me?"

"I sure did," I chuckled.

"Damn, Belle. Damn," he replied. "Don't worry. If we ever get married, we're probably going to live here together. Alternatively, we can move to your apartment." He held my hand and brushed my ring. "It's all up to you."

I smiled. Find yourself a man who respects you, my aunt's words echoed in my mind. Don't be like your mother. She was young and foolish, too in love to think with logic. Don't make the same mistake.

I think I found the right man, Aunt Elena.



Who likes bean bag chairs? Hands up!

Sadly, I don't have one because it can get quite dusty... It's okay. I have a bed and I think that alone is a privilege!

Have you met any celebrities? It can be both local or international.

I've met a couple of local celebrities (cuz Singapore is so small) but I've never met any big celebrities like Taylor Swift ;-;

Anyway, keep reading!

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