Chapter 17

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February. I can't believe the night of the Valentines' Day dance arrived so quickly. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Which dress should I wear? I looked at my wardrobe and sighed. All my clothes are so lame.

Just then, I spotted a striking red dress in a corner. I took it out and smiled. Perfect! It was the dress I wore at Jace's New Year's Eve party. I only have this one dress. Yvette got it for me as a gift for my seventeenth birthday last year.

I put it on and looked at the mirror. I look good in dresses but I don't usually wear them. I simply dislike the feeling of nothing underneath me. I shook my head and grabbed a pair of shorts to put on. I surely don't want someone taking an upskirt photo of me.

I thought back to the day Jace asked me to be his date for the prom...

Jace was standing in front of my locker, arms folded. Rolling my eyes, I walked towards him. "Move, Jace. I need my locker and you're blocking my way," I said.

"Are you sure you want me to move away?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Just then, Roy appeared with a bouquet of roses. Jace took the bouquet and I watched as Roy took his leave. I turned back to look at Jace who smiled. He held up the bouquet of roses and asked, "Belle, will you be my date for the Valentines' Day dance?"

My mouth was agape. "Oh God, no one has ever asked me out for the prom," I chuckled. I accepted his roses. Nodding, I replied, "Of course, I'll be your date. I won't be pleased if you went to the prom with someone else."

He grinned widely. Winking, he said, "Wear something pretty but not too pretty because I don't want all the boys staring at you."

"I thought you were going to use some sort of pickup line," I laughed.

"I don't do pickup lines. I find them kind of silly. Darren and Roy know lots of them, though. They love competing with each other," he replied with a slight grin. "Have you ever been to the Valentines' Day prom?"

I shook my head. "No one ever asked me and it's kind of weird to go alone."

"Well, now someone did," he replied, smirking.

Staring at the mirror, a huge smile formed on my lips. My first Valentines' Day dance is going to be with Jace Leighton, my longtime crush and my boyfriend.

Just then, my phone screen lit up. I picked it up and saw that it was a notification. Jace had sent me a message: Hello, Belle! And another one: Are you ready? And yet another one: I'm downstairs.

I looked at the mirror one last time and adjusted my dress. "If only you were here to see this, Mum. If only you were here to send me off," I muttered. With that, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door. "Am I late?" I asked.

"We're early," he replied and drove off.

I could feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. What's it like at a school dance? What will Jace think if he realised that I recycled this dress? Does he even remember the dress I wore at his party? I looked out of the window and sighed.

Soon, we reached school. He opened the door and I got off. "Hey, it's the same dress you wore at my party!" he exclaimed. "I love that dress. It reminds me of our first kiss. It's like our special dress, you know?"

I blushed. He remembers. "I guess," I replied.

Hand in hand, we went to the school hall. It was crowded and the music was playing. Some people were chatting, some were dancing, and some were eating. So this is what a dance event looks like. I wonder if the senior prom will look the same.

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