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In 2007, the first known evidence of human evolution was being studied in the mind and physicality of a baby boy. Weeks before the research took place, the boy was told to be understanding the speech of her mother at only seventh months old. Since then, reports of such 'intellectual' babies rose exponentially. The human race was improving, we were all going into a new era of life itself. Eons and eons have lead to this moment where a new generation of children will improve the world beyond anything they could ever imagine.

In 2012, further studies in the brain of the 'intellectual' generation shows signs of improved learning and expanded brain activity have led the scientific community to believe that these children could begin learning and working at a younger age, and still giving more results than the normal human would. This was when governments began to finalize plans that they had for these children that can manipulate their improvements to their advantage. It was inhumane to force children to learn and work earlier, removing their free will and the freedom of childhood.
No one knows where the idea of using the children to their advantage first spouted, but it was an inevitability.

In 2015, governments around the world began opening up training centers and schools for the children, which were scientifically and mainly named, the Enhanced. Enhanced thinking, enhanced strength, enhanced growth. They were the breakthrough of evolution. These schools and centers began tending to the kids and treating them as catalysts of power. These learning outposts ranged from political, to medical and even to military.
Earlier in 2014, scientists and security personnel would come to households of all nature, that housed newborn children in search of an Enhanced.

The chances of an Enhanced child were smaller than thought, most searches would result in failure. But if resulting in a successful find, the child is immediately registered to an E.P.S.U. or the Enhanced Preservation and Sustainment Unit facility in the city. Goverments take the children to their designated aspect of the economy between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. They simply remove the children from their parents care to begin their training in the places in society that fit them.

Children were put to schools when the time is deemed neccesary. Governments keep a close watch on each Enhanced child, studying his growth and adaptability before assessing on which division they will be sent to. It was cruel, but nonetheless it was to ensure that their country could thrive in the rising years of the Enhanced.

Also in the birthing years of an Enhanced based society, came birth to a series of problems within it. Enhanced children were a rare subspecies in the human race to find, this made them very valuable to leaders of the countries they were in. They were also very prized in black market dealing. Terrorists and dealers see the arrival and announcement of a new Enhanced as an opportunity for thousands and thousands of dollars for them.

In 2020, a group of rogue militia and creators of biological weapons was revealed  to the world as the company known as Velvet. Over the few years that the Enhanced have become living, Velvet has been buying and hiring elite ex-soldiers around the world to hunt and kidnap children that have been recorded as Enhanced in Government databases, not so smart move made by them.

The reveal of Velvet and their subgroup have been putting governments on full alert. Scientists have been attempting to study the nature of the Enhanced but won't kill children to complete their research, this can be put into contrast with the way they break families that birth Enhanced children. The Enhanced have a way of concealing their genetic evolution by killing and deteriorating their cells upon death, making it hard to study blood and the brain of the Enhanced.

Thus, a new solution was implemented into the protection of the Enhanced. Goverments quietly carry out checks on newborn children in the city, and recording it down on a single database that is concealed and protected with multiple layers of programming. This will ensure the resistance to hackers and those who were willing to kill these children. Families of an Enhanced are also permitted to share no knowledge of their member's Enhanced nature, even to the child itself. Those found guilty of sharing this knowledge can be put into large fines or even a death sentence.

In 2024, a young couple attempted to hide their child's Enhanced nature from the security check that was put on their eight month old child. After clearing the check and concealing their child as a normal human baby, the couples household was given a recheck due to a glitch in their scanners system and were found hiding their Enhanced child from them. The couple was immediately put into a death sentence and the child was placed into an orphanage and placed into her division at the earliest age possible.

The age of the Enhanced was harsh times for families and governments alike. Children were being used as assets for economies and societies around the world, families were being torn and governments had to protect their citizens and reputation. These children were the advancement in the human race that they were always searching for, it was easier for people to follow and avoid misjudging their place in this new era.

In a time like this, people are worrying about losing their children and dropping down a far rank below on the board. No one seems to be worrying about the heart of where all of this comes from, the Enhanced child themselves.

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