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Within the motion in the second that followed their unruly demise, the girls had already isolated their sentiments to lock on what they thought was right to do. Before the pellets even began to deluge upon them from the distance the Ninth were, Katherine had already turned her back and made jittery and unpredictable steps towards the dropped flag on their posterior. Clea, on the other hand, set her rifle into covet and diverted the Ninth's gaze from the blonde soldier. Both worked in excellent coordination and conformity that only required a slight boost to drive their chances in victory to a peak. It was the one last chance they had and it rested on them.

Likewise with their capacity, most of the essential knowledge they knew of moments ago was left to strands. This time affecting Miles differently than it should have. Due to their decrease in number and lack of opportunities, his mind stimulated the reality of the situation being a real task for them to complete. Similarly to Trevor, Miles' feelings towards Clea's act of reparation for Katherine capsized within him. This time only at a greater scale. His conscience blanked out as the two set off and was only knocked into place when a bullet struck his shin with a spark.

His eyes lodging back into focus, Katherine turned back to see Miles holding the choke alongside Clea. A move that he shouldn't have performed and instead should've followed her lead instead. But there were neither any time to complain on his actions nor to think about it in the first place. The pellets that were shot toward them either missed, or clashed against the plates of which they took in the pain. Returning fire as best they could, eventually there wasn't enough time for Miles' stalwart intuition to kick in. Lily managed to hit Clea with an unblemished pellet to the head and drove her a few centimetres back.

As Miles cerebral cortex began to overload with thick tumors and waves of emotional and mental result, his mind couldn't comprehend his next vital action. His human-like insight was failing and allowing himself to be at vulnerability. Being overrun and out-manned, the Ninth didn't eliminate him after Clea's elimination but took him under hostage. They were taking no chances with the respawn of their group. He lowered his rifle and placing his palms rounded on his helmet as gestured. "Sorry, Miles." Lily apologized, "It's a part of the assignment." She added as she aimed her rifle down onto his head.

"No worries." He sighed with a smirk in the presence of an old voice that he remembered clearly. Miles was turned round as three guns were pointed onto him with the rest charging forth towards Katherine who had just received the flag from Trevor's body and locking it on her back. 

In lack of hesitation to continue her sprint, she made a swift and maneuvered run back towards their flag and placing aside the fact that there was still a soldier on guard at the back-end of their flag. 

Her steps grew closer to their home-ground when suddenly a face was placed between the Ninth's flag and their own. Aiming her rifle at him and circling it round backwards to the other four that were faced on her rear, her doubts in success could not be assured. Over their shoulders was the sight of Miles being kept captive. Though pressure could seduce them into failure, Katherine was hell-bent on winning this and had already formed up a plan in her capture.

Katherine knew that Miles had direct eye-contact with her and could see everything she did. He was smart, so he'd definitely figure this one out. She dropped her weapon, throwing it into the bushes with her legs bent and her hands clear. In follow up, her hands slowly grazed to her back, not to reach the flag, but to reach her pistol. Miles caught sight of her action and knew she was going to un-holster her secondary weapon, but why? Her plan seemed off but when he dug deep into thought, it made sense. 

His eyes widened with realization as the blood in his veins only began to pump even faster. Only the two of them were left alive, if the respawn for them didn't work, they lost either way. It was their only chance at an endgame, and the two were going to take their advantage.

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