Chapter 6: Hero

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He stared at sharp blade that went through him, hoping this was all some horrible nightmare that he could just wake up from. She harshly withdrew the sword from her newest victim, and watched him gawk at her with disbelief. He only had a second before he died, her being the only thing left on his mind. He felt like he was betrayed by an angel that came to save him. She wiped her now soaked blade on his fur armor, using him like a towel. She sensed that she should feel guilty about disregarding their deaths like they meant nothing, and that they are still people just like her in the end, but no such feelings came to her. She stared into the desecrated city, searching for all of the remaining raiders like she was supposed to in the first place. But she only saw the three that were still arguing, and some guarding the walls lazily without care. Helgen seemed too empty, which filled her mind with suspicion. She reached for her bow, only to realize she had left it at home. "Stupid!" She huffed in frustration. She glanced over at the now dead bandit, finding his hunting bow. She grabbed both the bow and his arrows hesitantly, then rushed over back to the edge of the large hole in the tower. She aimed at a bandit on the far wall that had fought with the drunk cutthroat earlier, and released the iron tipped arrow. If struck him in the side of his head, going through his ear. The body dropped to the other side of the wall, and she saw a flash of bared teeth rush towards it. Probably wolves. She then continued to pluck them off one by one, watching them fall off the walls. She was then left with the three fighting bandits, but were from their spot in the middle of the pathway. She then twinge of pain in her neck, then knew what it was. Someone was holding a dagger up to her throat. "Looks like we got ourselves a hero." A raider grinned smugly. "Get the hell off of me!" She screamed at them. She dropped her weapons in surprise, hearing them clatter on the floors surface

The bandit reacted by digging the blade further in her neck, making her tremble in discomfort. "Shall we end this now?" The cutthroat bellowed with confidence. "Let's keep her alive just a little longer." Another growled. She knew what he was implying. So did the other two. They nodded at each other in agreement, then the two standing at the sides backed off slowly. The bandit then forced her to the ground, then stabbed her in her hip with the steel knife, causing her to scream in agony. The other two rushed over to hold her arms down, while the other slowly slid his hand up her leg. She could feel her heart race in panic, while the adrenaline ran through every muscle in her body. She managed to free her hand and take the knife from her side, then thrust it at the raider. It stuck out of his neck, blood starting to drip on down his skin. The others staggered back in terror and watched as their friend dropped to the floor and go limp. They then eyed her in dread, wanting revenge. She scrambled to her feet, grabbing both her blade of woe and the iron sword, ready to start the bloodshed. The bandit on the left swung at her with a steel war hammer, but was too slow to hit her before she ducked. She rushed at him, taking a swing of her own with her sword. It slashed his face, making him roar with anger and pain. Blood streamed through his hands, making her cringe. The other sprinted at her, but she rolled to the side before he could ram himself into her. He couldn't stop, and ran off the edge of the tower, landing in a thud. She could hear his bones snap, and he howled in dismay and stopped when his life finally ended. The final bandit merely gravelled on the floor, begging for his life.

She sheathed her dagger, then raised the sword above her head. She brought the blade down on her foe with such a harsh force, that the blade got stuck in the ground. She watched in satisfaction as his head rolled around on the floor, leaving a streak of blood, while the body squirted more blood like a fountain, flooding the floor in a sticky red fluid. The body slammed on the floor, making her flinch from startling her. She was finally alone in the ashes of a once beautiful city filled with bodies instead of smiling faces and the sounds of building falling apart rather than laughter of children at play. She was used to never being around people. She didn't even have a companion to revel in the victory with her. She liked being alone, but this time she felt lonely. She never felt lonely. Why would she be feeling it now? She stared into the sky, which was now dark and filled with twinkling stars that shined in the night. The large moon glowed in the night with an unexplainable, magnificent radiance. She loved the night sky, but it made her feel even lonelier. She held her wound in subconsciously, but didn't pay much attention to it. She stood there waiting for the man that they were talking about earlier, preparing herself to spill his blood and gut him like a pig.

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