Welcome Back to Seabrook

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Y/n's POV

I stared out the wide window on the bus I was on with my headphones blasting in my ears. My head was held by my arm, sitting on my leg that was pulled to my chest. As the music blasted, a bing ran through the headphones.

I look down and stare at the screen in my hand. The notification I had gotten was from my twin sister, Addison. The text read; 'Hey, sis! Can't wait to see you again! Mom and dad really missed you - we all did! Oh and there is a giant surprise for you when you get back tonight! Love ya xx' I smile softly at the message and respond with a small thank you text.

The bus finally pulls over at Seabrook bus stop. I smile to the driver and hop out, bags in hand and a look of glee on my face. I breath in the beach air and start walking to my house.

Singing along to the music softly, I finally make it back and I walk in. No one was home so I had time to just set my stuff up. Once I finish, the front door opens and someone stalks up the steps. Soon her door flies open, "Baby Cuz!" My cousin Bucky came into sight. My eyes lit up and we embraced each other in a tight hug, "Buck!" I laugh at his entrance.

After a bit of talking, he leads me away as the sun begins to set. He lead me into the forbidden forest and he starts singing about how great he is and all. Fairy lights were set up as a path that lead near a waterfall. Bucky then moves behind me and covers my eyes, "Buck?" He stays silent as he lead me further. I walk warrily down the path and giggled once in a while.

As soon as he removes his eyes, "Welcome Back!" All my old friends and family were here. Addison's close friends were around too. I soon spotted zombies and werewolves - I was surprised but smiled at the large group. Addison ran over and pulled me to her, hugging me to death. I walk around thanking everyone before I made it to the group of werewolves and zombies, "Hey! Thanks for being here - I'm Y/n! Addison's sister" My smile widened as one of the little girls ran up and hugged me. Hugging back, I talk with her before moving along.

Every once in a while - I see two boys stare at me. I had heard of their names. The zombie is Zed and the werewolf is Wyatt.

BOOM! Chapter one done!

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