Chapter 3: Getting Adopted

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My eyes flutter open to see an unusal bright white celing, i look to my left and see jennifer morrison.  She has her eyes closed and had obvously been here a while and fell asleep, it makes me smile that someone who barely knows me is so kind to me. I decide to wake her up.

"Hello" it comes out rough and quiet due to not having water in a while but it works, her eyes quickly flutter open and after a few seconds of her waking up she looks at me and smlies when she realizes i'm awake.

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

i look around and realize im in a hospital room, i turn a bit to my left to face jennifer and pain shoots through my body, i bite my lip holding in a scream and tears that are threating to fall, i lay on my back again and the pain slowly fades away. after a moment of letting the pain fade i answer her question

"sore"  i answer

"here" she hands me a pill and a glass of water that the doctors must have left there. I grab the pill and put it in my mouth then i grab the water and swallowed it quickly, a minute or two the pain starts to fade and im able to move to my left to face jennifer.

"thanks" i say with a smile on my face

"your welcome"

After a few moment of awkward silence jennifer talks,

"so...may i know what happened?"

i tell her about kylie and how i have been bullied by her and her "friends" since i arrived and what happend after i ran out of the room crying, after i finish my little story i look up at her and she has tears in her eyes, 

she comes over to me and hugs me and keeps saying im sorry of what happend, and im sorry. 

i smile while she hugs me and i start crying i never thought anyone would care for me again, even in the littest ways.

after a few minutes she pulls back and sits back down.

after a while she speaks,

"i got  bad news, and good news which one do you want to hear first?" she ask

"can i have the bad news then good news"

 "the bad news is that your gonna be stuck with me for the rest of your life."

my draw droped, did the Jennifer Morrison just imply that SHE had adopted me? did i hear her right or is this just a dream, i pinch my self, nope not a dream, i look at her to see her smiling, i smile too.

"so if thats the terrible news, whats the good news?" i ask

she smiles and replys" i brought doughnuts"

i smile i love doughnut their like litterly my favourite snack, how'd she know?

"How'd u know i loooovvvvveeeee doughnuts?" i ask

"lucky guess" she says unsure i just smile, this day couldnt get any better. at least thats what i thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

after waiting in the hospital for a while im finaly able to go. Jennifer already filled out the paper work and she had gotten all my stuff from the orphange so i dinit have to go back their, what a relief i don't think i'd be able to get out their alive.

Jennifer and me are now in the car on the way to the hotel she's staying at. We've been in the car for a while now and i decide to break the awkward silence.

"So... hows life?"

"Good, hows life been for you?"

"Good now that you adopted me" i smile and look at her to she shes smiling too.

"Awww, thanks"

about 15 minutes later we arrive at the frount of the hotel at exactly 8:20.

Once Jennifer parks she turns off the car and faces me,

"Violet, when we get out of the car theres proubly going to be paparazzi so i would like you to keep your head down and ignore them, is th at ok with you?"

"um yeah, of course"i say while giving an unsure smile.

"ok on the count of 3 we exit the car and speed walk to the entrance ok, 1, 2 3."

As we exit the car cameras go off and theres paparazzi shouting questions at Jennifer, i ignore them and speed walks towards the entrance of the hotel.

after what seems like hours of camera's flashing and yelling of questions me and Jennifer make it in the entrance of the hotel, we walk to the elavator and Jennifer press button 16. Once we exit the elavator Jennifer walks to one of 2 doors on the floor, swipes her card and opens the door. i was stunned, the view was stunning, the furniture was stunning, everything was stunning and beautiful and just amazing, i was in complete shock the room was just... Amazing.

"i'm... staying here?" i say in complete shock, jennifer look at me and smiles.

"do you like it?"

"like it, i LOVE IT" i say while running in and jumping on the couch, the hotel room had 2 master bedrooms, a kitchen, a massive lounge room, sevral balconys, laundrys, and en suites. it was like a mini mansion.

"So jennifer, how long will we be staying here?" i ask

"about 3 days then we fly to vancover so i can continue filming once upon a time" 

"ok, so what are we going to do within the 3 days?" i ask  

"Well, we will go shopping, and do some other activities, how does that sound?"

"AWESOME" i reply

"well its 10:00 i think we should proubly get some rest"

"ok, but just one question"

"and what would that question be?"

"uh, where do i sleep?"

"oh,almost forgot, you sleep in this room" she says walking to a door across from another one, she opens it and inside is a king sized bed with a bedside table, walk in closet, and a bathroom. it was AMAZING. 

"OMG, it is AMAZING" i say while jumping on the bed.

"ok well goodnight, and sweet dreams" jen says

"goodnight" i reply, jen then turns off the light and exits the room, i was to lazy to change and as soon as my head hit the pillow i fell asleep.


sorry for the long wait, its now christmas holidays so i was being lazy a bit....
Anyway vote, and comment, byeeeeeeee


adopted by Jennifer MorrisonWhere stories live. Discover now