5- one ninja, bigger problems (Part 2)

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Kai's POV:

Last thing I remember was shouting at the other ninja... and crying...

It was midnight, and the stars were all out. I tried not to look up since the stars reminded me of... (N/H)... I just CANT get them out of my head-

I kept on going, with tears rolling down my cheeks under my mask. (N/H) turned me into a real crybaby... I cant remember the last time I cried as a kid- "Hm... maybe i am just a big-ass jerk..." I said aloud, to my surprise also, I was facing a cactus. GREAT! I'm talking to a cacti- "maybe, I don't deserve them..." I stared blankly at the cactus... "I mean, they are too good for me! I..I.. I got nothing...!" I rolled my eyes and sat down. "You wont know what I mean..." I sighed and looked up at the moon, which was now climbing its way under the world. "I guess no body loves you cacti- What i'm tryna say is, Not everyone loves you." I felt bad saying that... oops... I stood up as the sun rose. It was an amazing view. I took my phone out and took a picture. 35 percent left, that should last the journey. I had received lots of messages and phone calls from Jay and Zane. I put my phone away and started to move forward again. I couldn't give up, not now. Not when i'm this close to finding (N/H).

(8 hours later)

My feet dragging on the floor could cause me to fall over any second, but the thought of (N/H) kept me up and going. All my thoughts surrounded them . All I could say, was around them. They had stolen my mind from me. thank you... I sat down near some rocks with moss on them. It will do for now, until I get back my energy. I fell asleep within seconds.

"Kai?" (N/H) was on the other side of a bridge. They were wearing a white dress, tainted with blood from a wound. I shouted their name over and over but they couldn't hear me. I looked at them, worried what could happen.

I was pushed away by another person. He had red, glowing eyes. Oh no... BIZZARO KAI! He pounced towards (N/H), blood on his hand. I ran forward and tried to grab his arm but failed. I kept on following them to a waterfall. (N/H) fell down and grazed their knee. Bizzaro Kai had slowed down, his scarlet eyes shimmering in the moonlight... crap, if only i could do something... if only i could... save them...

Bizzaro took out a sword from his back armor. He was moving closer and closer until... he was standing over (N/H). They tried to back away but were blocked by a wall. I closed my eyes as Bizzaro raised his sword over (N/H). I opened them to see Bizzaro's blade rushing down to (N/H) until they said "Please... I want.... the real K...Kai..." My eyes widened at them... But as soon as i took just one step towards them, Bizzaro Jay had grabbed me and took out a dagger. He put it up against my neck in the view of (N/H). "KAI!!" They shouted "Im so glad your ok...!". I nodded at them. They had stopped smiling after a few seconds, blood started to pour from their mouth.

"No..." I said, "HOW COULD YOU, YOU SON OF A BI-" Jay had cut me off before i finished, by pushing the dagger deeper into my neck. Blood had started to seep out. "HOW DARE YOU SLAY THEM! WHAT DID THEY DO!?!" I yelled at the Bizzaro. "THEY DID NOTHING TO YOUR PRECIOUS SELF, DID THEY? NO! SO TELL ME NOW OR I WILL SPINJITZU YOUR PRETTY LITTLE AS-" Again, i was cut off by Jay digging the dagger deeper in to my neck.

Before i could say anything else, Kai had brought his sword and pushed it into my stomach. "Think before you speak, petty ninja..." he whispered into my ear. His breath was cold... He took the sword out and pushed it into my lungs. He kept wiggling the sword, making me scream. This was torture... but not as bad as seeing (N/H) die like this... He took it out and made one last jab into my heart. Everything went numb. I could not feel my whole body. thick, crimson substance poured out my mouth. I took my last breath. Jay then carried me to the bridge and threw me off the side. My body floated down the river.

"Kai... you let your true love die... your a monster..."


I woke up with a start. "Have a nice sssssssleep?" A voice stated. "Well we didn't! Thanksssss to you thinking it wassss a good idea to bring the fire ninja back!" "Itssss your fault for even thinking of sssuch a ssstupid plan!" I watched as the two voices argued with eachother. "SHHUT UP, YOU IMMATURE, SSSSSLITHERING IDIOTSSS!" Uh oh... Pythor... only means one thing... I'm in the underworld... Great fucking going, kai! "Massster wantsss to ssseee the ninja." Master... shit... LORD GARMMADON!... "I SWEAR TO THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER IF YOU DONT LET ME GO I WILL..." Someones voice was cut off... it...
Holy shit...

Its (N/H)!!

They are ok!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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