Chapter 1*~Damn look at that~*

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~< Reece's POV>~

I dribbled the ball down the court to the three pointer line, I took the shot and it was nothin but net. All the girls cheered my name and I winked at a girl with strawberry blonde hair. She wasn't the prettiest girl, but she wasn't the ugliest either. I walked into the change rooms, training was over for the day.

Reece Ryder is the captain of the basketball team and he is the best one on the team. He was the one all the guys wanted to be friends with and all the girls wanted to be in bed with, and most nights if he wasn't in bed with one of them, he was out partying.

I showered and changed, I had a pair of dark skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black hoodie, my polarised sunnies sat on top of my head. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to the car park, where the boys were waiting for me.

They were all talking about the upcoming game when I walked up to them, "Alright boys lets go, I'm so hungry I could eat one of you."

They all laughed and walked to their cars. I was catching a ride with Auz today. He was mad about cars he could name every car's make, model and what colour it came in.

Auz started the car and drove towards Subway, where we always got breakfast.

He turned to me, "Did you hear the news man?"

I looked at him, "What news?"

"Little Lou heard there was a new chick starting today."

"Auz, how the fuck would I know that? I don't live with you and your little sis."

"Yeah I know, but you hear everything. I heard she's pretty badass."

This got my attention . "How badass?"

"I did some digging, and she's broken into places, vandalised her school, even stole a teachers car in the middle of the day."

"She sounds fun."

"How did I know you were gonna say that?"


We were all at school talking about what we did on the weekend when a car pulled up in the parking lot.

We all stared at the car in awe, it looked fairly new and we didn't realise the driver had gotten out until my friend Casey realised, "Damn look at that."

I turned to him, "How new do you reckon that car is man?"

Casey stared at me like I had turned into a girl before his very eyes, "Dude, even Auz stopped staring at the car when that chick got out. Normally you're the first one to spot a chick like that."

"A chick like what?"

He grinned and pointed, "A chick like that."

I finally looked at the driver and saw why the boys stopped staring at the car when she got out. She was hot.

She was leaning on the car doing something with the engine, she was wearing dark denim short shorts, a red chequed shirt and red and black vans. She was still wearing her sunnies.

All the boys were staring when Auz's little sister Lou walked past, Auz grabbed her, "Hey Lou, who's that?" He pointed to the girl.

Lou looked, "Oh! I think she's the new girl. I heard this is her fifteenth school since year two though, and Auz told me that she had a record with the cops, and that nearly once a month she was at the cop station in trouble."

I stared at Lou and the girl who was still doing something with her car, "Are you serious?"

"Yup, she's in Year 9 with us, I'm actually surprised she hasn't gone to Juvi yet."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Look guys I would love to stay and chat but I've gotta go and meet some friends so we can study for a Science test we have today."

Auz briefly turned to her, "Yeah whatever nerd."

Lou just scowled at him and I chuckled. No one would believe that these two were related. I looked back at the girl, who was now reaching down into the engine, she had a little bit of grease on her arm, and it looked like he hair was getting in the way.

I nudged Casey, "I'm going to see if she needs a hand."

He looked at me and then a smirk formed on his lips, "Dude, you just want a excuse to get closer to her."

"I do not, I don't even know her."

"Yeah but you want to don't ya? Maybe be a little more than friends?" As he said this he wiggled his eyebrows.

I just ignored him and walked towards the girl. As I got closer, I saw that she was tanned and had two shades of brown and a shade of blonde in her hair. She sighed in frustration and I think I heard her mutter a string of swear words under her breath. Since she was leaning on the car, her shirt rose up, showing a little of her waist, and I had the sudden urge to run my hands around her waist and whisper things in her ear. I resisted though because it would've been really weird.

I cleared my throat when I was two metres away, "Do you need any help?"

The girl turned around so fast, I thought she might've given herself whiplash. What I didn't notice though was that she had a wrench in her hand, and if I was a metre closer, I would've felt it where the sun don't shine. I looked at the girl and she looked at me.

I remembered why I came over here in the first place, "Do you, ahhhhh, need a hand with anything?"

The girl looked at me with a funny look on her face, as if she was trying to figure out why someone was talking to her. "No, I'm finished anyway." Her voice was so different from any of the girls I had heard, it wasn't screechy high, but it wasn't too deep that is sounded like a man, it was somewhere in between, and it was gorgeous.

I couldn't stop myself though, "Can I at least look under the hood?" She nodded her head and took a step to the right. I walked forward and looked in the car, it wasn't a normal engine, it had been modified. I looked up at her, "Do you mind if I get my friend over here? He loves cars and he would kill to see this."

"Yeah whatever, just make it quick yeah? I need to wash the grease off and go to the office."

"Yeah." I turned towards my mates who were all watching me and the girl in interest. I yelled out, "OI AUZ, COME OVER HERE AND CHECK OUT THIS CAR!!"

Auz ran over to the car and gave me a slap on the back, and a look that I ignored. He then turned his attention to the car and his jaw dropped, "Holy Shit!"

All the other boys had come over by now, and Casey looked at Auz, "What?"

Auz turned to the girl, "What the hell is all this?"

The girl had a smirk on her lips, "This is my car."

"Yeah I know that, but what's with the engine, it's like nothing I have ever seen."

"You are looking at a cool air intake, a NOS fogger system, a T4 turbo, an AIC controller, a direct port nitrous injection and a stand-alone fuel management system. The only car of its kind, and it's mine, it's my baby, and I don't ever let anyone else drive it."

As she said the last part she gave Auz a stern look, and put the bonnet back down. She pulled a dirty rag out of her back pocket and whipped her hands on it, she then walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, got her bag out and put the wrench on the floor. She straightened back up, locked the car, gave all of us boys a looked and walked off.

I called out to her, "Oi what's your name?"

She turned back around with a smirk on her face, "Blaze!" She turned around and started walking off again.

I smirked to myself, "Damn look at that."

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