Chapter 3 *~Two pairs of handcuffs and a suggestion~*

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~Blaze's POV>~


Drew cleared his throat, "Blaze, we're not here to talk."

I sighed, "You never are."


Phil looked at me, "Look Blaze, we need to take you in."

I looked at him with annoyance, "What?! Again?! Are you serious? Come on guys... I haven't done anything. I've checked in with my Officer every second day, just like I'm supposed to. I've got a job!"

Drew looked at me, "We know Blaze, but..."

Drew looked helplessly at his partner.

I growled at him, "But, what?"

Drew sighed, "The chief wants you in again because a friend of yours was found breaking into your old school."

"GOD DAMN IT!! Was it Luke?"

Phil and Drew exchanged a look.

"Fuck, hurry up then. I need to beat his sorry ass."

I stood up and was about to walk out the door when Phil stopped me and held up some cuffs, "It's just a precaution."

I scowled and let him put the cuffs on, Drew looked around the room, "Stay in school kids."

There were a few bitter laughs from around the room.


Half-an-hour later and I was sitting in front of Luke, he was standing. I was handcuffed to the chair that was bolted to the ground. I was told it was for his safety, so I wouldn't beat his sorry ass. That was also why there were two police officers in the room with us, but it wasn't Phil or Drew like I had wanted it to be. Instead it was two Officers that I had never met. One had brown hair, and one had black and blonde hair, neither of them was my type for a big reason. They were police officers, and I never mingle with authority.

Black and blonde hair dude started talking to me, "I'm Officer Len, this here is my partner Maz."

I looked at him, "Yeah, whatever."

"Ok look, I can tell you don't want to be here."

"Well no shit Sherlock!"

Len sighed, "At 10:44pm last night on the 10th of August, Luke Smith was found breaking and entering school grounds while they were closed. He vandalised lockers, broke windows and took out the security cameras. Now I have to ask you, since you are a known associate of Luke, where were you last night between 10 and 11?"

"I was at home."

"Can anyone confirm that?"

I was about to answer when there was a knock on the door. Len looked at me, "Give me a minute."

I rolled my eyes and shot daggers at Luke, who was edging further and further away from me and closer to Officer Maz. A minute later, Len came back in, but he wasn't alone. My eyes widened in surprise as Reece walked in, in handcuffs. Len looked at me and Luke, "Alright Blaze, Reece here said that he was at your place with you, so you're right for the moment."

Len turned to his partner, "Can you take him to the bull pen to sort him out please?" His partner nodded and took Luke out of the room. Len then turned to me and Reece, who was standing next to the table, "I'll be back in five minutes."

I looked at him appalled, "Can you please take these cuffs off?"

Len just walked out and I scowled at him as he walked out.

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