Chapter 4 *~What's this story? My story~*

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Shoutout to MrsCaptainAmerica1 for guessing the quote. It was Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribbean on stranger tides.

Blaze's POV>~


I walked around to the driver's side of the car, just before I got in I heard Reece moan in disappointment, "Fuck." He got in the car, and I got in laughing, I couldn't wait to show him what I was doing tonight.


I pulled into my driveway and parked my car. I got out and heard Reece whistle, "So this is your house."

I grinned, "Yeah, I guess you could call it mine."

"What? Tell me no one lives here."

"It's mine. Actually it's complicated, I might explain it later."

By now we were on the second floor, I opened a door that led to a bedroom. Reece followed me in and had a good look around. The room was fairly big, it had an ensuite and a walk-in wardrobe. The king sized bed was neatly made, the colours through-out the room was blue, white, red and a dash of black here and there.

Reece looked at me, "Is this your boyfriend's room?"

I smirked, "No."





"Your room?"

"No, this is a spare room, my room is across the hall. Now you need a shower, so go have one through that door. You can put those clothes back on, but put this shirt on instead." I walked into the wardrobe and found a singlet. It was one that showed ribs down the side and if it was pulled down, you would be able to see his pecks, I also got a leather jacket. I walked out to him and chucked him the singlet and jacket, "Put this on instead."


"Be ready in 20 minutes, because we're having leaving in half-an-hour and I will want food."

"Alright, I'll knock on your door when I'm ready."

I nodded and walked across the hall to my room. I walked straight to my bathroom, I turned the water on, stripped off and got in. I washed my hair and body. I made sure to get the make-up off my back that was concealing my tattoo. I took the make-up off my right thigh that was concealing my other tattoo. I let the water run over my back, relaxing me. I turned the water off and got my towel. I walked out of my bathroom, into my wardrobe, I chose my dark denim short-shorts, my black lacey bra and my shirt that was see through from the back and stopped above my belly button. I chose my black and white converse. I got changed and dried my hair and changed my belly button piercing to a black skull. I walked over to my dressing table and put some mascara, grey/black eye shadow and black eye-liner on.

I heard a knock on my door, followed by Reece's voice, "Tell me your naked."

I grinned, "Please don't come in Reece!" Of course I was messing with him, but he didn't need to know that. Reece came charging into my room his eyes burning with lust.

When his eyes landed on me and he realized that I was fully clothed, he started to frown, "That was mean."

I was laughing too hard to respond, I was bent over slapping my leg. His face was priceless. I finally managed to stop laughing and stand back up properly. I turned back around to finish putting my eye-liner on. Reece must've seen the tattoo on my back because he came up and ran his fingers along it, making me shiver. The tattoo was one that I had designed; it was two red roses, with a small wing, curls and points.

He put his mouth next to my ear, "What's the story with this."

I turned around to face him, "My story." I smiled at him and pushed him off, "We're gonna be late." I looked at him, making sure he was dressed properly, "You look good."

He smirked and then finally looked me up and down properly, "You're wearing that?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, it's just, you look hot."

"Thanks, now hurry up, I can't be late for this."

"What is this exactly?"

"You'll have to find out."

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and a bottle of coke, "You want anything?"

"Apple and coke."

I grabbed him an apple and a bottle of coke. I walked to the front door and grabbed my keys and sunnies and went into the garage, Reece following behind me. I went to the side of the shed and grabbed a small toolbox and a dirty rag.

Reece looked at me, "What's that for?"

"In case I need to make some adjustments."

He looked at me uncertainly, "Right."

"Let's go."

We got in the car and I reversed out of the driveway, revved the engine and took off.

We had been on the road for five minutes when Reece looked at me, "So where are we going?"


Hey peeps! What do you think good or bad. Sorry its so short. Where do you think Blaze and Reece are going?

Dont be a silent reader!!
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Until next time peeps.
Mickey, out.

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