Chapter 2 *~Nothing new... hold on~*

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~<Blaze's POV>~

I didn't want to go to another school, I had already been expelled from 15 schools in 7 years, and the only reason I haven't gone to Juvi yet is because there is no one old enough in my life to sign all the forms that need a parent/guardian signature.

My parents were killed in a police investigation when I was 5, and since then, none of my family wanted anything to do with me. I ended up in an orphanage, I moved around to twenty different orphanages from the time I was five to the time I was fourteen. I was adopted once or twice, but I never stayed for more than a month. I'm fifteen and I have a special parole that lets me live in my own house, as long as I check in with my parole officer every two days.

When I had pulled into the schools parking lot, I wasn't expecting there to be this many people looking at me. I mean come on, hasn't anyone seen a car before? There was a big group of boys all looking at my car, and most of them were pretty cute. As I turned the engine off, there was this weird noise, like something was loose. I grabbed a wrench and went to have a look. I had been looking for ten minutes and grease was halfway up my fore-arm when someone cleared their throat behind me. Now, I had been on the streets in my spare time, and I had been in a couple of fights, so my instincts kicked in. I whirled around and swung the wrench where the sun don't shine. This person was too far away though. He was kind of cute, broad shoulders, dirty blonde hair and bluey green eyes. We started talking for a bit when he called his friend over, his friend was shocked when he saw my cars engine, that I had modified myself. I told him what it was, the whole time I was talking to him, I could feel more than one pair of eyes looking me up and down. I finally managed to get away from the boys, but as I was walking away the cute one yelled out to me, "Oi, what's your name?"

I replied with a smirk, "Blaze!"

I walked off in the direction of the office, I saw a sign for the bathroom so I went to wash all the grease off my arms. I went to the office to get my timetable. I looked at it and groaned. English, Religion, PDHPE, Art, Geography and English again. I groaned, I didn't want to be here. I found my way to my locker and dumped my stuff, the bell rang and I had no idea where I was going. I sighed in frustration, that's when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a girl my age with brown hair in piggy-tails, freckles and braces, "Hi, my names Lou, you must be the new girl. Do you need a hand getting anywhere?"

I looked at her uncertainly, "Yeah, ummm, English."

"What room?"

"AH 24."

"Oh I know where that is, I think you're in my brothers class, come one, this way."

I followed her, "What year are you in?"

She looked at me, "Oh gosh I'm silly. My name's Lou and I'm in year 9. What about you?"

"Blaze, Year 9."

"That's a cool name, I wish I had a name like that."

"Ahhh, thanks. I think."

By now we were upstairs and standing outside a door with peeling green paint.

"Here's your room."


She grinned at me, "Anytime."

She skipped off, she seemed a bit out of it to me. She reminded me of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I sighed and opened the door.

You know when you walk into a room late, and everyone stares at you, yeah well, that's happening to me now, and I don't like it.

I walked up to the teacher and gave him a note saying I was new. He looked late forties, balding and seemed to be on edge.

He looked up at me, "Stand up the front. Now."

I stood at the front of the class, then his voice boomed around the room, "Everybody, we have a new student, her name is Blaze." The girls looked like they might throw up, and the boys were practically drooling.

The teacher looked at me, "You got a last name kid?"

I glared at him, why does he want to know? "No, it's just Blaze."

"Really, do you have an embarrassing last name?" He snickered and there were a few bitter snickers from around the room.

"No, I don't, I just don't have a last name, so deal with it." I growled at him.

"Don't you take that tone with me young lady, just because your new and don't know anybody, doesn't mean you can take whatever tone you want. Now go sit down and be quiet."

I glared at him and looked around. It was the basic setup, the desks were in rows, the nerds sat at the front, the wanna be's were behind them, the snobby stuck up bitches were in the third row and the ones who didn't care were in the back row. The only seat was in the back row, next to the kid I had met earlier, the one that had dirty blonde hair. I sighed and the teacher glared at me. I walked to the back of the room, looked at the boys in the back row, and sat down.

"Hey Blaze." The kid I had met earlier turned to me.

I looked at him, "Hey."



"My name's Reece, you told me your name, but I never told you mine."

"Right, whatever."

I thought to myself that English might not be that bad after all.

The phone rang, the teacher put his finger to his lips, telling everyone to shut up. He answered the phone and was talking to quietly for anyone to hear him. He then turned around to face the class and looked straight at me, "Yeah, you can, ugh, send them up." He then hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and the teacher went to get it. He exchanged a few words with whoever was one the other side of the door. He then took a step to his left, letting the stranger on the other side of the door look into the classroom.

Two police officers stood outside the door, their eyes skimming over the room, I sighed. Eventually one pair of eyes landed on me. The officer was early thirties, brown eyes and black hair, his partner was short with blonde hair and green eyes. The one with brown eyes was Officer Barnes, while his partner was Officer Andes. I knew them both well. They walked into the room and stood a metre away from me.

Officer Barnes looked at me, "Blaze."

I grinned at him, "Drew, how are you?"

He looked at me, "Better than you."

I turned my head so I could see Officer Andes, "Phil, how's your wife and kids?"

He looked at me, "Wife's at work, little one in pre-school, and the other two at primary school."

"Good, it's nice to know that they're getting a good education."

By now everyone was staring at me and the Officers. Everyone except Reece and his friends were staring, in fact, they looked amused.

Drew cleared his throat, "Blaze, we're not here to talk."

I sighed, "You never are."

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