Really Another one

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Thalia Pov

I woke up to my cousin/brother in wolf form on his back snoring it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. But I had to wake him up and I thought what better way than an energy jolt. I fired one at him and he jump about five feet into the air and I couldn't breath for laughing so hard.

Once Percy got his bearings he started to growl at me still in wolf form. I used a babies voice saying "
awww is wittle Perc Perc mad dat he got a tiny bit shocked. oh come here"

pulling him into a hug and went straight for his weakness by scratching him behind his ear he stop growling and started to whine like a dog. Which woke some of the other girl up and they started to pet him as well.

Artemis came in with Gordan/wolf and said "okay children let's go eat breakfast". Just then Gordan transformed into his demi-God form and said "Percy and I have a treat for you" Percy then transformed to his demi-God form as well a then Gordon continued "so we will all be talking request for breakfast". Just then both Percy and Gordan fell on the ground clutching there heads, I immediately ran over to them last Artemis was crying and then she said "we have to go watch the girl's".

Artemis Pov

I can't believe this it fells like I'm getting pulled two places at once I yell at my blades "Percy Gordon try to get a hold of yourselves". It took them a few seconds but they did an finally stood up with hard looks on there faces "My Lady what would you have us do" Percy asked.

I thought of a plan then said "Gordon go to camp and bring the one who is screaming or passed out don't worry you will know who it is and once you find them whether boy or girl bring them back to our camp now hurry."

Gordan nodded as he said "Yes my lady and both of you keep safe and Percy don't do anything foolish." With that Gordon flashed to camp half blood before Percy could say anything. While I flashed Percy and myself to a orphanage in California.

When we got there we heard a man yell "YOU WORTH LESS BITCH, YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. WELL SINCE YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH...." Percy ran in the direction of the noise and what we saw sickened and enraged us. There in the corner was a man big and burly man wiping a half naked girl she had cuts and bruises everywhere on her body from getting hit with the belt buckle.

Percy still enraged had thrown the man against the wall as he lifted him in the air holding the scum by the throat, that when I noticed Percy's his eyes were now brown like Hera's and he didn't move for a few seconds he just held the scum.

After a few more seconds I saw an even greater rage fill Percy's features and threw the vile man on the ground as he summon greek fire in his hands but before he did something I knew he would regret I stopped him by slapping him as I yelled "Percy snap out of it" he immediately calm and down putting out the fire as the scum passed out from fear like the coward he is.

Percy then went over to the girl she moved away from him but then he held his hands up saying "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I could never hurt my other half, here let me heal you".

The girl started crying and said "Percy, Percy Jackson". He nodded and she jumped into his arms and said "Percy I been looking all over for you and mom". She continued to cry as Percy started to rub her back while still healing her. I must have looked really confused because he looked back at me and said"this is my twin sister Kayla, mom told me about her, she separated us to keep us both safe cause even with smelle Gabe the smell of two demi gods who are children of the big three couldn't hoped to be masked together. Last I heard she was with our grandparents".

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