Character forms and rules

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1. Some cursing is allowed! (Cause I know you guys wouldn't like it if I banned this)

2. No... inappropriate stuff. I hope you know what I mean here. EHEM! Romance is fine but don't go too far...

That being said, you are still permitted to have children. Just don't roleplay the process up here. Do it in your DMs if you absolutely must.

3. A Pokémon will die if you put them into situations where they will die so be careful! With this, also note that it's also impossible for your character to be invincible. You will have to run in some situations.

4. Up to 4 moves for a Pokémon at a time. Yes, as an advantage of being from another world, you get to retain your Pokémon moves. You can choose to have none, however, and pick up a weapon instead (cause that will be more fun and unique)

If you're playing the newly added Renegade plot, it is encouraged to play with Pokémon moves.

5. I didn't mention anything about mystery dungeons but they do exist, feel free to make your own dungeons! If you have an idea for a dungeon or actually any place at all, PM me and I'll include it when I see it. I may not except the request if there is already a similar place in this book.

6. I'll have up to 3 Pokémon per person at one time... though I'll recommend you stick with one.

7. Don't spam if someone doesn't answer immediately, they may be busy or it may be 12 in the morning for them (which may not be a problem for you but it could be one for them).

8. I will allow at most 5 alive shinies at a time (not counting miscellaneous characters or main characters not in the active roleplayers list). I mean, they are supposed to be rare so...

9. With the Renegade plot's addition to this roleplay, certain Pokémon species are locked to the routes you take. The normal storyline allows for Pokémon from generations 1-8. The renegade plot allows for Pokémon from generations 9 and above, certain Gen 1-8 Pokémon with specific type swaps , fakemon and a few normal Gen 1-8 Pokémon. (see Pokémon list for renegade plot)

10. Tag fest! Tag whoever you think would be interested! (This is not necessary but it would be very much appreciated)

11. This may be a mystery dungeon role play, but you do not have to be an explorer! You could be a random villager in a town if you wish to be one, run your own shop or farm, role play as a villain or even live in the forest as a "wild Pokémon". The possibilities in this role play are endless!

12. If you'll like to join another player's chain. I could help you ask them about it. Afterwards, we could arrange the role play in a way to merge both chains together. I would probably be in all the chains as I mostly control the side characters.

13. If you get a major role in this role play, (guild leader, shop owner etc) your character would become an NPC after you leave unless you choose to kill off your character/retire from your high status before leaving. (Your character would automatically become an NPC (at least temporarily) if you do not reply in a week)

14. You will only be allowed to start roleplaying in an area other than default starter areas if your original character (OC) has an approved backstory that fits in with the roleplay's lore. If your OC has a backstory, you can include it in your roleplay form and I'll tell you wether or not it's approved.

And now the character forms!

Age (not necessary but it'll be nice to include it):
Moves (up to four or you can have none):
Personality (a bit about yourself!):
Weakness (type weaknesses do not count and you have to have at least 1 weakness):
Strengths (at most 3):
Anything else you deem necessary!:

Notice that weapons are not included. This is because you will get one from a mage shop. Although I would be running these shops with my OCs and I'll be playing them most of the time, they are of some importance and may be needed in role plays when I'm not around. Thus, feel free to use these particular OCs in your role plays. (Don't use my main OC if I have one!) If I happen to be around, I may take control over those characters so watch out for me! If you come up with a shop owner in your role play, please pm me so that I could add it into the area info for other role players to utilize the character as well. These characters don't need a personality as they will be built by everyone attending the role play.

Now that you are done creating your character, you could choose to go to the character page, which lists down all characters' names and Pokémon species or jump straight into the role play by going to Murky woods if you're playing the normal storyline, or Misty highlands if you're playing the Renegade plot.

Don't worry if your name isn't in the character list, you can start your role play without me even if I haven't added it in. That being said I would still have to approve the role play forms. If you want to quit the role play, however, please give me a heads up.

Extra role play notes (optional but good to know):

1) If your character evolves, a heads up would be nice so that I can update the character list.

2) if you want to check the items in your bag (and I'm helping you to keep track of them), I would send you the list via pm (if it's too long) or reply in the comment chain itself

3) feel free to create new area info! This could be used to your convenience but shouldn't be abused. I would add the new info in ASAP after being notified. The same rule applies for miscellaneous characters that could be played by all.

3. If you're playing the renegade plot, refrain from playing as a steel type. Why? Check the distortion world type chart and you'll know why. By extension, normal types are pretty overpowered in this world.

4. Do not steal from the kecleon brothers in Starlake town, this is a warning.

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