Who the hell thought it was okay to be gay, like come on Jungkook, he's just fan service right? You know, what about your management? Should I tag them and see if they answer me like you answered that fag? Come @bighit.ent Jungkooks got a little boyfriend!🔁8.9K retweets 💖5K likes 🗣89K comments
@jikook4ever (seriously you never give up do you?)
@sunshinehobi (don't you ever call my friend a fag or I will shove that word so far up your ass that you won't be able to shit it out.)
@cookwjin (no one ever messes with my Jimin, and it's okay to be gay)
@jungkookstan (what is your problem let him live his life!)
@jennielove (bruh back off girly, no one cares)
@bighit.ent (is this true? I want you to delete your post and I have to discuss this with my client.)
>reply> @jikook4ever (oh shit)[@jungkookswife took down this post]