TPB-1 : Kill Me Now

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SR&E-1 : Kill Me Now

Click . Clack . Click . Clack

My stiletto heels clacked audibly as it made contact with the marbled school floors, I walked with confidence radiating off of me as I realized one thing;

The students at the hallway parted like the red sea as I made my way through. I smirked at the idea of having everyone wrapped around the palm of your hands. You can control them but they can't control you.

I held my chin up high, my body starightened and my lips curled into a knowing grin. My personal maid was following me with my bag and necessities held by her puny little hands. I know for a fact that every single student that happened to witness my entrance was now looking at me as if waiting for something to go wrong but then, the thing here is, when it's about me, nothing can go wrong. I am not perfect, I know that but perfection has nothing to do with believing that you can do everything perfectly. Feeling tall and beautiful can give that off. If you feel like you're tall and beautiful, others will also think so. You should just first believe in yourself before you expect for others to do as well.

I raked my eyes over the students that were still staring at me, I waved at a petite girl that was around my age and I swear, I could almost see her eyes bulging out, in a terrified manner I tell you.

"What? Do I look like a monster?" I asked my personal maid who only shook her head in disagreement.

"No Miss Fabbiana, your gorgeousness is just too magnificent for her to even handle," she muttered as I only smiled in satisfaction.

That's the thing I like about her, she knows what to say to feed my ego even more.

"Very well, I believe you."

I jerked my left brow and squinted my eyes at the girl then started to scrutinize her physical appearance. She wasn't even beautiful and then she acted like I was some sort of a human immunodefiency virus indulged person. Puh-lease, I'm too beautiful for that.

The petite girl started to run off, she probably sensed that I was already irritated by her presence, I mean come on, I was trying to be nice for the love of all cakes and pastries! And then, what'd she do!? She bulged her eyes out! What an ungrateful being! She should be proud that someone as great as me even acknowledged her. Well, whatever. It was her loss, not mine.

"Am I scary, Marianne?"

"No Miss Fabiana, your greatness is nowhere near scary, she was dumb and it was her fault." I only nodded and asked her for my phone.

I resumed walking like nothing happened with her traipsing behind me and then stopped once again as I took the view I've spotted, in. I evilly smirked as an idea popped inside my head.

"Well, well, if it isn't for my ass of an ex-boyfriend." I stated loud enough to get the attention of the blonde boy that was currently talking animatedly to a red head. His eyes went wide when he successfully let the idea of me, pointing him out, sunk to his pea size of a brain.

"F-Fabby!" He snitched, a look of angst finding its way to surface on his face.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped viciously as I turned my head to the red head that he was talking with a while ago.

"And who are you?" I asked as I examined her from her head to her feet.

I'm way hotter than her, oh wait, she's not even hot to begin with. I internally laugh at that thought.

"Excuse me? I am Rachell, Andrei's new girlfriend. I should be the one questioning you that and not the other way around!" She spat with a brow raised, pretending to act as if I was dumb.

And again, I jerked my brow, only my right one this time for a change.

"In the case of a mentally dull-- wait, are you even human?" I asked with a feigned curiousity.

"Of course I am! Are you stupid!? Why do you ask!?" She then retorted, looking horrified. It was then the time for my smirk to return.

"Oh, I'm not stupid, silly! I was just asking to make sure that you were human. Sweety, when I tell you that it's not that obvious, believe me because I can say it's true." I blared, earning a fit of laughter coming from the crowd that I haven't noticed gather around us. "I was the girlfriend before you and in case you failed to notice, I dumped him because he's an ass. You're not a junk shop to recycle the thing that I've already jilted so if I were you, I'd leave him too." I adviced the red head with my irises never leaving the gray set of eyes of the boy I've once had, he didn't cut me off and he made no move to stop me from saying the words I've said.

You've had me at my best but you wasted it all. I wanted to yell at him, make him pay, hurt him like he's never been hurt before but then, I knew better than to stoop down at his level.

The red head became silent as she looked at the blonde boy, waiting for his confirmation while I only took it as my cue to  take my leave.

"Marianne, let's go."

I walked away, again, but this time, I know that it was my turn to heave laughter. It was my turn. Beneath the gray clouds at the skies above, I've always known that the sun was there, he wasn't seen but he was always  there, shinning so brightly like there were no clouds that obscured him from shinning. We may not notice him during night time, we may ignore the verity that the sun is the contributor of the moon's light but still, he'll never get tired of shinning for our sake, just like the lustrous man, I may ignore him for most of the time but I knew that he never left, he stayed around me, I may take him for granted but I also know that he has always been there to watch over me, to guard me while everyone else starts to stomp their way out of my life. As the sun lent its light for the moon to use in bestowing its dazing moonlight upon us, the lustrous man used people as his instruments to reach out on me, to help me get through the billowing waves the rough ocean, I may not acknowledge that now but he has always been standing near me, I was just too busy playing blind to even realize.

I am a bitch -- I admit -- I've stepped on a lot of people, I don't believe in God and I blame Him for all the craps of my life, I don't think He's really there when I needed Him the most, He never answered my prayers of getting the the love and acceptance that I've yearned to have for years already, but that was all a thought because as I recieved a text coming from my mother's good for nothing piece of an assistant, I instantly knew that something else was coming up. I just didn't know what it was about.

9:32am | 02/14/13
Mother's Biatch

Be home early, your mother expects you to be on time.

The message read, Oh great, I must be fate's favorite piece because once Sherly, Shelly, Silly-- Whatever my mother's personal assistant's name was -- sends me a message, it always meant bad news. Like the last time, my mother made me do charity for her stupid names' sake and let me tell you this, I never enjoyed all the leerings I've gotten from the guys older than me for at least ten years that also happened to be volunteers of the damned charity. It was freaky, especially because they were all trying to flirt and they were pretty bad at it. They were the ugliest kinds of beings in this world and the word ugliest can't even give justice as to how bad looking they were.

Oh My Gollie hoop of cakes and pastries with cherry at each top! I just want the time to keep still and please, just do me a favor and Kill.Me.Now!


Shin's Note:

Hey there! Thanks for checking this out. This haven't been edited and I have no plans in doing so, not until I finish writing this but if it so happens to bother you that much, you could always comment the mistakes below and I'll be certain to look it up ASAP. I am not fluent in speaking English so that explains my way of writing, I'm an amateur so please do bear with it and if you refuse to do so, you may start leaving this story, I am not desperate in luring readers to actually read my works.

Corrections or any other forms of amendments are Higly appreciated and Gladly accepted.

© 2014, darkquen

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