TPB-3 : The Guest

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TPB-3 : The Guest

"So tell me, why did you go missing without letting me know?" I asked Marianne as my luxurious car went moving.

"It was all your mothers' order Miss Fabiana. I don't have any right to complain," she already stopped being giddy after we finally sat inside the vehicle.

I only raised my aesthetic brow.

"Oh really? So, you're choosing to follow her more than me? Have you forgotten that I am supposed to be your master? You are my servant, you should have at least consulted me first." I said in an angry tone, if she didn't disappear, my expensive bag could have still be in my possession. I wasn't angry or irritated before, but now, after she mentioned my mother ordering her and her, only letting herself be ordered by, it made my blood boil.

"Well, Miss Fabiana, I don't want to sound rude or anything but, your mother is my employer, she pays me and you are only supposed to be my master that I should be serving, you don't own me." she rattled in a smug voice. With that being said, I felt a vein inside my forehead detonate.

"Stop the car!" I ultimated, causing the driver to have the car cease into a halt in the middle of an inhabited highway.

"Well, Marianne," I retorted to my personal maid mockingly as I looked at her direction. "Consider yourself lucky since I'll be giving you the opportunity to walk your way back to my abode, you'll burn some of your fats, you definitely need it. The god you were talking about would surely appreciate it." I was wroth, I knew that. She doesn't have any right to talk back, she's just a maid -- my personal maid for this instance. Maybe she's not really a friend to me after all, I was wrong about her. It's a good thing I never told her what I've thought.

"My pleasure," I heard her sarcastically reply as she slammed the door shut after she went out.

"And oh! You could save your thanks for later!" I added after I rolled the windows down then rolled it up again.

"Drive," I ordered my wheelman as I only concentrated looking at my stuff that Marianne left behind.

What a snotty bitch.

"Miss Fabiana, are you sure that we should just leave Marianne? It's a mile away from the masion, she would consume an hour or two in walking back." he declared in a voice that pitied the maid.

"You know, if you'd like, I'd be generous enough to also give you the opportunity to walk with her, she'll understand the worth of your company and while at it, you might as well think about searching for a new job. I could just chauffeur myself back," I answered with an annoyance that was hardly kept.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just voicing out my opinion-- " he tried to reason out, only to be cut off by me.

"I wasn't asking for your opinion, okay? You don't have any right to try and tell me what to do unless I ask you to." my voice came out authoritive and demanding.

"I'm really-- "

"Just drive," I ordered him again, watching by the window on my right side as Marianne continued to walk.

No one should defy me, no one.

* * * * * *

I walked out of my car as soon as it reached the front of my mansion, I didn't say a word to the wheelman or to the valet that greeted me. I was so ticked off and it felt like at any moment from now, I'd erupt.

"Send my things from the car to my room," I mustered to a different maid without pretty much paying any attention to anything else that was happening around me. I was only focused on getting to my room, I was already excused from my classes -- with money, nothing's impossible. I shouldn't be worried about missing it because I could always fix an arrangement to make up for it.

However, whilst I was on my way to go upstairs where my stupefying room was located, I was stopped by the voice of none other than the woman who gave birth to me, my mother.

"I see you're already here," she said in monotone, walking until she was only a meter away from me.

"Come with me, I want you to meet someone." she motioned for me to follow her as she bobbed her head to the direction of the living room that was at the left wing of the mansion then, she began to waltz her way towards it.

I walked after her without saying as much. When we neared the room, I noticed Juaquin -- the spanish decent butler of my father -- come out with some weighty luggage on the either side his hands.

"Good afternoon, Miss Fabiana." he addressed to me when I only directed my gaze at him and only watched until he disappeared from my line of vision.

What's going on? Is this all because of the guest I didn't know of? The god that Marianne was talking about? Was this the reason behind the message I recieved earlier? The reason that my mother -- who has barely been at home -- is here? The reason why I've been needed to be here when I could have still been attending some of my classes? Is it all because of the guest? The god? Or is this all because of something entirely different?

"Sin? What are you waiting for? Get inside," my mothers' voice broke through my train of thoughts. I shifted my attention back to her, she was waiting by the double doors of the room as she stared at me expectantly.

She has always called me by my sinful first name, Sin. It's a part of the name she chose for me after all.

How beautiful.

Without saying anything else, I only went in and waited for her to go in as well.

"Aki," she called out to someone. I looked at the person she was calling and found out that she was calling out to someone who has her back turned from us from the couch she was sitting on. Her dark hair was only up to her shoulders, I could say that she was slouching on the couch from the posture she displayed. I could make out the silhouttes of the earphones that were covering her ears from hearing us. My mother tried to call out on her again, fortunately, she turned to face us and only then, I found out that she wasn't a she but a he.

He rose to his feet then pulled his earphones out.

And boy was he so tall.

He flashed my mother a grin without even bothering to notice me.

"Aki," my mother grinned back at him then turned her gaze to me and then put her left hand on the small of my back -- making me lunge a step forward when her hand pushed me as if presenting me to him. "This is Sin, my daughter."

And only then did he realize that I too, was there. Instead of grinning at me like he did to my mother, his lips fell into a tight line and he scrunched his eyebrows together.

What now? Is he taken aback by my ravishing looks?

"Sin, this is Aki, he'll be with us for quite sometime from now on."


Corrections or any other forms of amendments are Higly appreciated and Gladly accepted.

©darkquen, 2014

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