TPB-2 : A god?

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TPB-2 : A god?

Sometimes, letting your anger out can be the only way of setting yourself free from all the things that ails you in the inside even if setting it out could involve taking it out on others.

When you're really mad, you can never just keep your anger to yourself, in a blink of an eyelid, you'll just find yourself unleashing it to someone else.

"What have you done!? This a customized bag from Paris! This is so expensive! And now it's ruined, all because of you!" I was fuming with my nose flaring and my eyes burning with rage.

People could really be stupid at times. A milkshake should be bought to be drank, not to be spilled on a designer bag of a fabulous girl which is of course, myself.

"My Gollie!" I hissed in an exasperated manner as I dramatically placed my right hand on my forehead to wipe the sweat that never really existed. "I'll get you for this at the time when you least expect it!" with that, I turned on my heel as I flicked my bleach blond flocks off of my beautiful shoulder.

"Yeah! Watch it geek! She'll get you for that!" I heard Sierra, a so-called friend of mine, snap at the stupid boy that turned my luxurious bag into its disastrous form.

"Move it bitches! The queen is coming through!" Sienna, Sierra's twin sister, shouted at the mass of students that were blocking the way.

The students did what Sienna told them but before I made my way through, I threw my expensive handbag towards the way of the reckless geek -- which he surprisingly caught by the way.

"You can keep it, I no longer need it anyway. I could always buy a new one with all the money I have. But how about you, geek? Could you even afford a designer bag?" I asked as I stared at him expectanly.

He opened his mouth to answer me but I quickly brushed him off.

"I highly doubt it." With an evil smirk, I walked out of the cafeteria with the two other blonde bimbos trailing behind me. They were laughing in a high pitched tone that made my ears totter in infuriation.

"Will you both leave me alone?" I demanded as I glared at them menacingly and without any objections, they quickly left.

This day was so irritating. First, I saw my ninth ex-boyfriend with a new found whore. Second, my mother wants me home earlier than the usual, which is really weird. Third, I failed my math test which only led me going to the school's damned cafeteria to get something to cool myself off with the twin airheaded blondies following me and to make it even worse, a stupid maladroit managed to spill a stupid milkshake to my newest bag, a bag which caused me billions of dollars by the way.

I sighed in defeat as I thought about the message that I recieved earlier. What could she possibly want this time? I've had enough of all the dramas I faced for this day, what could be worser than all of it added together?

I was still walking begrudgingly at the deserted hallways of the school when suddenly, I heard someone call out to my name. I turned my head to find Marianne walking to my side. I furrowed my perfectly plucked eyebrows as I only waited for her to speak.

"Your mother wants you to be home right now, she says that it's something important."

Instead of replying, I only gave her an intense stare.

"M-Miss Fabiana?" she then again called out but I only furrowed my brows even more close than it already was.

"Where have you been?" I asked as I folded my arms to my chest.

"I-- I was at... At the parking lot?"

"Are you for real? You seem so unsure," I can sense something off and I don't like an inch of it.

"Y-Yes..." she was not looking at me in the eye and it annoyed me even more.

"You do know that I could fire you this instant, right? I can have someone replace your position by now without even having to sweat for it." with those words, she looked up and met my terrifying gaze.

"Y-Your mother sent me to the airport to fetch the guest that your family would be having over." I narrowed my eyes, waiting for her reveal some more. When she didn't speak, I asked again.

"Is that all?"

"Y-Yes..." she answered with her eyes looking everywhere but mine.

"Okay, you can go and find a-- " as if guessing what my next words would be, she quickly cut me short and blabbed.

"Please don't! You're mother sent me to fetch a god. No, I'm not saying that he's really a god but he looked like one. I mean, gods don't really exist. Except for God, the one who created us, of course! He exists! Of course He does! Or else I won't be living! And neither would you! Nor would the god I was talking about! Wait, he's not a god! But he really looks like one! But then again, gods don't exists! But God does!" she was talking with no sense as she played with the ribbon of her maids' uniform.

Marianne was about my age, she has been my personal maid for almost three years. She should be studying like me but her parent's couldn't afford the amount of money that studying requires, her family wasn't financially stable that's why she was stuck serving me instead, she needs to save some money to support herself and finish schooling. She's a midget, her long raven black hair framed her beautiful face perfectly, she could be a model if it weren't for her height. Her hourglass figure could surely have some guys drooling over her but that's not everything about her. She's been like a friend to me than just my personal maid, I just couldn't let her know that or else, she'll have her head pop out of the flattery that my remark could give her.

"You're in love?" I asked to stop her from blabbing, still staring at her with my mesmerizing narrowed eyes.

"N-No! Well, not really. It's just a small crush! Have you seen him!? He's a god! A god, Miss Fabiana! A god!" she was looking like some crazed teenager, her cheeks were glowing red as she kept on mentioning this guy she's crushing on.

"I don't know what to say," I told her honestly as my red kissable lips twitched.

"O-Ohh..." she ended up saying, when she looked up to me again, I saw her pooching her eyes. "Wait, I almost forgot, your mother wants you at the mansion by now! You should see the god I'm talking about! You'll agree with me!" with that, she pulled on my wrist to guide me outside of the school domain.

A god you say, huh? Let's see about that.


Corrections or any other forms of amendments are Higly appreciated and Gladly accepted.

©darkquen, 2014

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