City lights flashed and massive buildings towered over a curly-haired teen as he practically skipped through Queens. A massive grin was plastered on his face as he walked through the busy streets to his apartment.
Dodging through endless people, he looked down at his cracked phone and began to text his best friends, Ned and MJ, about what had just happened, the thing that caused his suddenly amazing mood and massive grin.
SpOOOderboi: Guys, guess what, guess what, guess what!!!
NedTrooper: What, what, what???
TheQueeen: Dorks
TheQueeen: But what, im curious now...
SpOOOderboi: Mr Stark invited me to his lab and I stayed there for like an hour and he even let me help with his new suit!!! :D
NedTrooper: No way!!! Ur so lucky to get the internship dude.
TheQueeen: That's actually pretty cool dork, but id rather meet Pepper Potts
NedTrooper: Tony Starks really cool to thooo
TheQueeen: Well yeah but like... Pepper Potts
SpOOOderboi: Can we just agree they're both awesome.
SpOOOderboi: Anyway, I need to go fanboy and on patrol. See you guys later!
TheQueeen: How are you able to be both a massive dork and an awesome superhero?
Peter smiled and shook his head as he put his phone in his pocket, he'd reached his apartment building. To everyone else, it looked like a slightly below-average building in one of the worse parts of Queens, but, to him, it was his home and he loved it.
He didn't love it because of looks, or because of the objects inside it, he loved it because it was where Aunt May was, she'd took him in when he needed it most and was always there to smile at him and say 'I larb you' and, most importantly, she never judged him for being deaf. She learned sign language to communicate with him, she even bought him fancy hearing aids so that he could feel like a normal teen!
Uncle Ben was the same, he loved Ben as much as May, and when passed away, Peter realised Aunt May was the only one he had left, the only Parker left, his only family member left. He had no idea what he'd do without her. But he never thought he'd have to learn...
Peter stumbled into the apartment after much fumbling with his keys and frustrated glares. As soon as he got in, he threw all his stuff to the side and grabbed his suit from his bedroom ceiling.
He'd designed and made the red and blue suit himself, he added advanced technology to the suit and had even made his own web shooters! He made the suit after he saw his Uncle Ben die from being shot, when he realised he had had the power to stop it yet he didn't. After that, he swung through the streets of Queens as the Friendly, Neighbourhood Spider-Man, helping and saving people every night on his 'patrols'.
Yes, he had hidden the suit, but could you blame him? As much as he loved Aunt May he couldn't let her know about his alter-ego, May was one of the most over-protective people on the planet- there was no way she'd let her fifteen year old nephew risk his life every night. Not to mention he didn't want to let May know that he had powers, she could hate him for being a freak of nature, and he couldn't lose her.
The only people who knew his alter ego was Ned, who had caught Peter coming home after patrol, and MJ, who, being MJ, had figured it out herself.
After putting on his suit, Peter smiled to himself as he thought about that afternoon. Mr Stark had invited him to his lab!

Just A Kid~ Homeless Peter Parker
FanfictionPeter Parker was a deaf fifteen-year-old with a past he wanted to forget, however, he had one person who kept him sane, Aunt May. When May passed away, Peter ended up on the streets, he's just a kid and he has to survive on his own as well as being...