Chasing Bakshi

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Don't you want to know what happened to Chutki Anika ?

Of course i do. But don't give me any false hope Samar.

I am not. I am going to be tracking down bakshi anyway because well my wife is dead and i can do whatever the fuck i want. But i can help you in the the process.

I don't want to hear it samar.

Don't you atleast wanna know what happened to her.

Like i said - the past only hurts me. I am tired of running from it. But if you do wanna help me , there is something i could use your help for.


Well i want to formally adopt Sahil and a few months back Shivaay and I had filed for adoption but now that we are divorced , i really didn't check the status of adoption. I need the divorce papers in order to adopt Sahil as a single mother now that the law allows it. But the thing is that i don't have the copy of the divorce papers given that they were thrown at my face and i didn't relaly think of picking them up.

I can have my lawyer send a notice to Shivaay's lawyer for the divorce papers you know.

That'd be great but i don't want him to know that i work for ypur or that you have been helping me out.

Don't worry i'll come up with something.

The Oberoi Mansion

So now that O is awake , how about we go for a vacation bhaiya said Rudra.

I don't think now's the time Rudra replied Shivaay as he continued to make white sauce pasta for his beothers
He remembered how Sahil used to love his pasta.

Have you spoken to Sahil Rudra asked Shivaay knowing fully well that the two were in contact with each other.

Yeah i speak to him this morning. He is doing good. He scored good marks in his mid term exams. In fact, i'll be going to visit him soon.

Really ? Well take some gifts for him and let me know when you'll go. I'll pack some pasta for him.

You can also come with me , you know?

I don't think that's a good idea rudra.

Just then Khanna walked in. Shivaay sir there is a legal notice for you sent by some Kabir kapoor.

Kabir housing's cheif corporate counsel . Why is he sending me a legal notice wondered Shivaay as he took the envelope from khanna unexpecting what was inside of it.

What is it bhaiya ?

Its a request made by your ex bhabhi for divorce papers. Excuse me Rudra said Shivaay as he stormed out of the house. What could she possibly need the divorce papers for?

There was no way that Shivaay could give Anika the divorce papers- though they had been signed by both of them, Shivaay had never really filed them.

Rage is what he was feeling. After everything that had happened, she had the audacity to ask for divorce papers. And what bothered Shivaay more was how was she able to afford an extremely expensive  lawyer like Kabir Kapoor given that she was currently penniless.

This is probably just a ploy by her to get money from me thought Shivaay as he continued driving rashly. He was getting restless by the minute and finally decided to call Kabir Kapoor himself. Labour happened to be Shivaay's classmate from school and the two were good friends during their schools days.

Kabir...This is Shivaay Singh Oberoi said Shivaay as soon as Kabkr picked up.

Oh hello Shivaay. I knew you'd call me but this soon- I had no clue replied kabir. How are you doing?

Let's cut the crap Kabir. Please explain to me ehy is a corporate lawyer acting as a divorce lawyer for my ex wife.

Ah Shivaay...I am not necessarily acting as a divorce lawyer. I mean you both are already divorced.

Still doesn't explain why you are helping out a woman you barely know?

What can I say Shivaay?..I felt like doing some pro bonl work and Anika approached me said Kabir obviously lying. He was under strict instructions of his boss Samarjeet Malhotra to not inform Shivaay of his associates with Anika no matter what.

So tell me much money does my ex wife want?

She doesn want a single penny Shivaay. She just wants the sole custody of her little brother and now that you two are divorced, she needs to prove the same in a court of law.

Well in that case you can tell her my ex wife that she can forget having ten sole custody of Sahil. There is no way she is financially sound enough to bring him up

Why do you care Shivaay? You divorced her readoned Kabir. You just need to hand over the divorce papers or we'll approach the court to force you to hand them over.

Are you threatening me Kabir?

Of course not Shivaay. I don't w at to drag this thing out. We used to be good friends and in fact even though we haven't spoken in a long time I still consider you to be my friend so please hand over the papers so that your divorce can be proved for once and all and you and Anika will never have to see reach other again soad Kabir trying to convince Shivaay to change his mind.

I think I have heard enough said shivaay as he cut the phone.

At Anika's

So my lawyer talk to Shivaay today and..

And what Samar?

Shivaay has refused to hand over the divorce papers citing that you are not fit for bringing up sahil and therefore the is going to challenge your claim to sole custody.

Oh my he going to take away Shail from me?

Of course not. He just wants things to remain the same as in he want custody of Sahil as well.

But it doesn't make any sense...and I need the divorce papers in any case Samar. I need the proof of my divorce...I mean should have the necessary legal document.

Don't worry...i have instructed my lawyer to work out something with Shivaay's lawyer said Samar.

On a completely separate note, I think I have some good news.

I seriously doubt that anything is going to make me happy samar.

Well I got you a job at an orphanage. You'll be a manager slash warden. It's an orphanage that my mother founded in memory of my late father and who better to run it than someone who has so much  experience with well orphanages.

Oh my God. That'd be a perfect job for me Samar. It'd fix half my problems.

Oh and the pay is also really gold Anika so you don't have to worry about sahil's education.

Thank you so much samar.

There is one other thing though.

What is it?

Well you have to help me in finding Bakshi.

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