The babysitter

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Tae was twenty five years old while Tee was nineteen years old.

The young master still hates his course to the core but he was having good grades. Tee hated it so much but he can't afford to see some B on his card. That was unacceptable.

Really unacceptable.

Tee visits the mansion just to talk to Miss Vivi and the  play with his dogs. He will never talk to his parents nor his siblings.

"Young master wake up." Tae shake the smaller male slightly and Tee groaned.

"Ten more minutes." Tee murmured and Tae sighed and sat on the bed.

"Wake up young master. You'll be late." Tae said and made the sleepy male to sit up. Tee sat up but his eyes were still closed.

"Five more minutes." Tee said and wrapped his arms around Tae.

"You'll be late. Your bath will turn cold and same goes to your food. Don't tell me you stayed up to play games again." Tae said and sighed.

He carried the younger male to the bathroom and then placed the younger male on the counter.

"Wake up Nong Tee." Tae said and Tee hummed before rubbing their noses together--- he was still half asleep.

Tae's face heated up with the sudden gesture. Sure, Tee was affectionate but he can never get used to it because hell. Tee was being his sweet self and it means nothing.

It meant nothing and Tae will only hurt himself if he'll assume something.

Tae headed outside the bathroom and then made his way to the kitchen to prepare the young master's breakfast and also snacks and lunch.

"P'Taeee. I dont want to go to school today." The young master whined and wrapped his arms around Tae.

"You have to go to school." Tae sighed and Tee shook his head.

"No. I don't want to." Tee said and Tae turned to look at the clock.

"You have to hurry up or you'll be late." Tee sighed and then he lets go of Tae then he made his way to the table.

Tee was eating his breakfast quietly while Tae was preparing the young master's bag.

"Can I not go to school? I wanna sleep in." Tee said and Tae sighed Tee pouted.

"Okay. Okay. Lets go." Tee said and the headed inside the elevator.

Tee even held Tae's hand and the older male's heart was beating wildly inside it's chest but he kept a calm facade.

He can't afford to let the young master know about his feelings.

"Good morning young master." The body guards greeted and Tee gave them a little smile and a nod.

"Good morning." He replied and Tae let the younger male held his hand as they walked to where the car was parked.

Tae was driving the car and Tee was sitting on the passenger's seat quietly while the a car was in front of them and behind them.

"When can I live a life again without having bodyguards." Tee said sadly and Tae bit the inside of his cheek.

"Have a nice day young master." Tae said when they arrived the faculty's parking lots.

"Hm. P'Tae." Tae turner to looked at the younger male and his eyes widened in surprise when he felt a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll get going." Tee said and made his way outside the car leaving Tae frozen inside the car.

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