Take Me For a Spin

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"So I was like, 'Heeeyyyy, what'cha do-doing?'" Mao Mao hiccuped as he clutched a bottle of whiskey. The bar was bustling as Badgerclops and Mao Mao sat near the counter. The buffalo bartender was listening politely to a drunk Mao Mao as he tipsily recounted a few of his adventures. Badgerclops was trying not to laugh as he sat next to Mao Mao, a half-empty martini sitting before him.

It was one of the Sheriff Department's days out, in which they could take a break from the duties of defending Pure Heart Valley. This time, Badgerclops wanted to spend a bit more time with Mao Mao. Thankfully, Adorabat wanted to go to a sleepover with

"And the next thing ya know, KABLEUSH!" Mao Mao gesticulated with his arms. "The 'hole place lid up!"

"Uh-huh." The bartender grunted as he continued cleaning the glasses.

"Oh, wait wait wait!" Mao Mao day up. "Guess wuh-What happened next? I draw out my Geral-Geraldine, mah beautiful k-katana and..." He paused, almost like he forgot what he was talking about. "And, and I went like KACHEW!" Mao Mao swiped clumsily as to mimic what happened, almost spilling Badgerclops' martini.

"Dude, I think you've had too much." Badgerclops said, taking the whiskey away from Mao Mao.

"Hey!" Mao Mao slurred. "Give-give it back!" He tried grabbing it, but ended up almost collapsing straight into Badgerclops' chest. The martini sloshed around the rim of the glass as Badgerclops pushed Mao Mao back up on his seat.

"Woah, man!" Badgerclops laughed. "You are really, really drunk!"

"Wha-what do ya mean?" Mao Mao mumbled, leaning on the counter. "I...I am completely fuh-fine!" Seeing Badgerclops trying not to burst with laughter made Mao Mao more mad. "Stop laughing at me!"

"Sorry bro," Badgerclops wiped the tears from his face. "It's, it's pretty hilarious."

"Hah." Mao Mao reached over and grabbed the whiskey bottle, and downed a gulp. "That...that was what my, my father said, y'know?" He gripped the bottle a bit tighter. "I was...always trying to impress him, but...he always laughed at me." Tears beaded at the edge of his eyes. "He'd always say keep trying, and I did, but I never could get anything else from him." He clutched the whiskey, his paw clenching, the tears beginning to drip down his face.

"Hey, I'm sorry man." Badgerclops said with concern, and he reached out and touched Mao Mao on his shoulder.

"I NEVER COULD GET A SMILE FROM HIM THAT WASN'T MOCKING ME!" Mao Mao yelled, as the bottle completely shattered, alcohol and glass flying. Mao Mao looked down on his bloodied paw, shards of glass stained red as he still held the top of the now-fragmented flask.

"Dude!" Badgerclops said in alarm. "Are you okay?" He grabbed Mao Mao's palm, and he winced at the pain that he didn't feel up until now. "Bartender! Get some bandages!" Badgerclops turned back to Mao Mao. "Seriously, what happened to you?!"

"I-I..." Mao Mao was at a loss of words, and as Badgerclops and the bartender helped pull out the glass chips and bandaged his hands, he suddenly began to sob uncontrollably. People were starting to look at the duo, and Badgerclops hoisted Mao Mao off of the seat.

"Mao Mao, I think it's time to go home." Badgerclops helped the bawling feline to his feet, paying for the drinks. He shot back looks at everyone who stared at Mao Mao as he continued snivelling into Badgerclops' chest. Badgerclops exited the tavern, and towards the aero-cycle. The night sky shone up ahead as Badgerclops gently helped Mao Mao onto the aero-cycle.

"C'mon. Let's go home." Badgerclops hopped into the driver's seat and revved the engine. Mao Mao leaned backwards as the aero-cycle took off into the night sky. The ride was quiet, and Mao Mao slowly began to stop sobbing, still staring up into the sky.

After a while, Badgerclops spoke. "I think you should go to Blue's therapy tomorrow."

"What?" Mao Mao mumbled. "Isn't...isn't on Thursday?"

"I mean, after what happened in the bar, I really think you should." Badgerclops suggested. A pause followed, before Badgerclops spoke again. "I'm sorry for making you mad."

"No, no." Mao Mao rested his head on Badgerclops' back. "You're right. I...I have problems." At that, his voice broke a little. "I'm always hindering you, and sometimes," He laughed bitterly. "Sometimes I wonder how you manage to tolerate me."

"Dude, what are you talking about?" Badgerclops asked, and he stopped the aero-cycle in the air. He turned to Mao Mao. "You're not a nuisance." At that, Mao Mao gave him a look. "Okay, well sometimes you are a nuisance, but the thing is that I've never, ever, seen you as somebody that I don't like." He put both of his hands on Mao Mao's shoulders, and looked him straight in the eye. "You're one of my best friends. I probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't saved me. From the very day we've met, I've always respected you, and always liked you. So when you say stuff like that, it just shows that you don't realize that you're wonderful."

"Really?" Mao Mao asked. For the first time, Mao Mao heard the words clearly. "You...think so?"

"Hah! I know so!" Badgerclops laughed, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. In that instant, Mao Mao and Badgerclops felt as if they both were one and the same. Mao Mao embraced Badgerclops, and the two hugged.


It was extremely late when Badgerclops and Mao Mao entered the HQ. The house was quiet as Badgerclops tipped toed over to the bedroom. There, Adorabat hung upside down in her bunk bed.

"Can we go in?" Mao Mao said loudly, the effects of the whiskey still active.

"Dude!" Badgerclops hushed.

"Oh! Sorry." Mao Mao clumsily pantomimed zipping his mouth. "But still, can we go in."

"Nah," Badgerclops closed the door, trying hard not to make the door squeak. "If we go in there, Adorabat will wake up."

Mao Mao scratched his chin, and an idea popped in his head. "How about...we go to the couch?"

"I mean, okay." Badgerclops said. "But be quiet." Badgerclops began to creep down the hallway, and immediately after he did, Mao Mao proceeded to just barge through the hallway, and he leapt onto the couch, bouncing off of it, laughing.

"Haha!" Mao Mao tipsily laughed. "C'mon, what's with the long face?" He asked as Badgerclops walked over and sat down next to Mao Mao.

"And this is why you don't tell a drunk person what to do." Badgerclops said under his breath.

"Aha! I heard that!" Mao Mao almost yelled.

"Dude! Seriously keep it down!" Badgerclops was about to say more, but Mao Mao suddenly reached over and grabbed Badgerclops' hand.

"Then sleep with me." Mao Mao murmured, and he laid down on the couch, closing his eyes. Badgerclops rolled his eyes, but he laid next to Mao Mao, and he wrapped his arms around the feline.

"Mm." Mao Mao flipped over to face Badgerclops, and he snuggled closer into Badgerclops' chest. "I love ya." He whispered.

Badgerclops smiled. "Love you too."


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