A Villanious Date

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"Okay, keep going." Tanner followed the sound of Coby's voice as the two wandered through nearby forests. Today was quite an important day, as there wasn't a day that much more important than today. On this rare occasion, Orangusnake, who was usually still the fusion of primate and reptile, were now simply Coby and Tanner.

"No, Tanner, this way." Coby tugged at Tanner's hand, leading the big primate pirate. "Keep your eyes closed, we're almost there."

It was the most perfect place, as having it in the junkyard wouldn't be that special. As well as that, Coby wanted to spend it with Tanner, away from the rest of the crew.

"Oh, Tanner!" Coby yanked his friend away from tripping over a few rocks. "You need to be more careful! Now hurry up, we're only a few more minutes there."

The duo traversed through the forest, the chirping of the birds in the air, the trees gently swishing in the wind. Tanner could feel the ground inclining upwards, like a hill. He could feel Coby pick up the pace, slithering faster, and Tanner followed right behind. Soon enough, the two started running up the grassy mound.

Finally, when they reached the top of the hill, they sat down in exhaustion, and Tanner could feel the wind blowing against his face, the soft grass beneath. He lightly tapped Coby's head and gestures whether he could open his eyes.

"Yes, you can open your eyes now Tanner." Coby breathed heavily from exhaustion. Slowly, Tanner opened his eyes, and gasped. The setting sun shone brightly, the lake's surface glistening, the breeze feeling ethereal on this hill, and the clouds swirled mystically in the air.

"The view's amazing, isn't it?" Coby asked. Tanner nodded, and the two sat there, the wind continuing to breeze on by, the sound of birds cawing in the faint distance. It felt like they could sit there forever.

"Oh, that's right!" Coby exclaimed. He turned to Tanner, who turned to look at him with a smile on his face. "Oh, you're making me blush!" Coby's face flushed a little. "But hold on. I got something for our anniversary." Tanner looked at him, curious as to what he had.

"Just hold on a minute," Coby teased. "Before we get to it, I just wanna say," He looked straight into Tanner's eyes. "I love you. And I'm glad that you've always been there."

Suddenly, without warning, Tanner leaned in and kissed Coby, which made the little tinge of rose on his scaly cheeks suddenly blast straight to crimson. At first he was a bit shocked, but slowly, he wrapped around Tanner, and the duo embraced on the hill. Finally, they let go, and Coby smiled.

"Even after all this time, you're still unpredictable." Tanner beamed at that, and Coby chuckled at his goofy grin. "Wait, where were we? Oh right!" He presented the gift that he had gotten for Tanner, and his eyes twinkled with amusement at Tanner's reaction.

"A Pisang Raja banana." Coby said. "It's you're favourite. I would know, because, well, you know, I'm your boyfriend." Tanner peeled off the skin of the yellow fruit and broke off a piece of it, holding it out to Coby.

"For me?" Coby asked, to which Tanner nodded. "Aw, thanks." He grabbed the portion of the banana with his tail. "Here's to our anniversary, and our inevitable conquering of Pure Heart Valley!" The two bumped their banana bits together and bit into the smooth, creamy flesh.

"Mm!" Coby licked his lips. "I didn't think it would be that good!" Tanner grinned, and in within a few minutes, the banana was gone, and the two sat back, overlooking the gorgeous lake view, as the sun slowly set.

"Hey, Tanner. I think I've already said this before, but, I love you." Tanner smiled, and despite him not even saying anything, Coby could already tell that he felt the same.


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