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Bucky's POV


I listened to the lava drops falling from the ceiling and hummed a song my mother used to sing when I was a child.
It was frustrating, the endless loneliness that had kept me awake for three days straight now.
My father was gone and there were currently no souls to torment, which made the whole situation even more, miserable and pathetic.

I rolled around on my rock with a theatrical sigh. Why couldn't this sadistic slice of life be exciting...? Just one damn time...

Hopefully, all that would change when I was finally on Earth and my plan of a life of malice and teasing towards humanity came to fruition. Just a few more hours and everything will change.

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Steve's POV

I woke up very early this morning.

Excitement gripped my whole body.

What if something goes wrong or if I get caught? No, I couldn't think about that right now, it just made me doubt my plan.

But there was nothing I wanted more in my life than to see the earth and everything that came with it.

The one problem that had been on my mind lately that I wasn't quite sure how to solve .... My little brother. I never gave him a single thought and well,...now I had to find a suitable solution within the next few hours. The easiest, but at the same time riskiest way would be to tell him a made up story just before it was time to leave so he couldn't question my father about it...No I've got a better idea...the good old sleeping powder.

Peanut landed on my lap. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was just as excited as I was, even though he really had been to Earth thousands of times ... But always without me.

I decided to spend the next few hours making some sketches. I got some paper and my favorite pencil and began to think of a motif.

It wasn't that easy, since I've drawn just about everything possible that I know.

After thinking for a while, I decided to draw one of my favorite memories. It happened years ago when my mother was still alive.
Rafus was a baby and I was a little boy. We were cloud surfing in a very special place that only our parents seemed to know about. My father and I were having a surfing battle while my mother was watching us.

Of course, I won and as a prize I got a little gold button with all of our names engraved on it. Since then I have worn it as a necklace around my neck, it somehow made me feel that my mother was always near me.

I felt a tear run down my pale face as I thought of her. She was the most adorable and kind person I have ever known, and despite all this time, it hurt to know that I would never again see her beautiful heartwarming smile, her hugs when I was sad, and her wonderful nature as a mother who always did her best for her family.

" Stewe, awe you okaw?" My little brother suddenly asked behind me. I turned around and forced myself to smile.

"Yeah, buddy, I'm fine, thanks." His small hands cupped my face and forced me to look at him.

"I love you, Stewe."

"I love you too, buddy."

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~ Helix❤

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