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I groaned, the cuts were in my lower back, so he hand lifted my shirt us just a bit.

"I told you it would sting." He finished wrapping my waist up, putting the medical supplies away. "Are you ok?"

I nodded my head. I don't know why, but I feel like I should be scared of him, but I'm not. It's very comfortable and inviting around him. It's like, I didn't just meet him.

"Thanks." I replied, laying down. "What happens if I go out without any of the guys? Will the people eat me?"

"They probably will, you're a human after all."

"Nice, so I can die at any moment?"

"No, I won't let you."

"I- Ugh.." I whined in pain as the feeling of stinging came to my cuts.

"What's wrong?" Jaemin scoots his body closer to mine, trying to see what is wrong.

"It just stings a bit." I reassured him. He nodded and stared at my face. I decided to start a different conversation. "Why is you're gang and my friends enemies?"

"It's best I don't tell you right now."




"Nana?" His face showed confusion.

"Na Jaemin- Nana." I explained, brushing the strands of hair out of my face.

"Now can you please explain why you aren't cool with my friends?" I annoyingly tugged his arm like a child. He sighed.

"Do you really want to know?" I rapidly nodded my head. "Ok..." Then he started to explain.

"I used to be a player." I glared at him. "I won't I promise. So, I used to be a player and Jeno's past girlfriend wanted to have a mini date with me. I didn't want to go after her in the first place since that's wrong, I went after people who were single. Anyways, the next day, she wore different makeup and different clothes so, I didn't know who she was. I agreed and we went on a date- Mind you, Jeno and I were best friends. Jeno knew his girlfriend well, even through different clothes. After our date, Jeno was around the corner and he saw his girlfriend peck my lips. It was our first date so, I didn't want to rush anything. Jeno threw a whole hissy-fit and dragged his girlfriend away, only to break up with her one hour later. Then, Jeno took revenge on me by destroying the things I loved most, not my parents, they were already gone. I got mad at him and we separated, hoping not to see each other ever again."

"Wow- I didn't know Jeno had a girlfriend."

"It was before he became friends with you, I have absolutely nothing against Chenle."

I nodded my head, and yawned.

"Are you tired?" He asked. I nodded my head again and I got up.

"If I can't go back home I'll stay in the living room."

"Wait- Never mind.."

And with that, I went outside and saw no one but Chenle and Jeno.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"In their rooms." Chenle sighed, they looked bored.

"Please go home.. I don't want you to stay here, Jaemin is a nice-" Jeno has interrupted my sentence.

"He's an asshole"

"I can hear you!" Jaemin shouted from his room.

"I promise I'll be ok, just go home. I'll ask Jaemin if you can come tomorrow." I suggested.

"I don't want to leave you-" I cut Jeno off this time.

"And I don't want you to stay. They're not going to treat you very well." I protested. I wanted them to be safe at home, not stay with a bunch of kids who hate them. Ok, maybe hate one.

"Fine.. But, I'll be back tomorrow." Jeno got up and brushed the dust off of his pants. "Let's go Chenle."

"Stay safe."
I think I might put aside the Imagines for a bit, my main priority's this book. I promise I will go back to it, and I won't just leave those long ass (ride) imagines alone.

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