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Let's just say there are one million vampires and a hybrid vampire is very rare (one out of two hundred thousand; which is only five hybrids) They hybrids are mixed with the blood of a devil and if you have a little bit of their blood in your blood system, you could have half the amount of powers/abilities that a hybrid vampire has. The are POWERFUL. Unless they haven't used the abilities yet, like Miyoung, and got they're memory erased.

Yellow eyes: hybrid
Red eyes: normal
White eyes: werewolf

It's kinda like the have nature elements as powers, and each hybrid gets one (top five would be: Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, and Earth) Regular vampires do have powers, but they don't have elements. Hybrids, remember, do have the blood of the devil, so if you make them mad in anyway, They'll kill you, unless you stop them.


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