Déjà Vu

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***Dek's POV***

Ugh sorry, I published out of order. Double update. I apologize for the confusion!

Do not play song until instructed, please.

After the weekend, it was back to school. With graduation pending, again, I was getting anxious. Summa Cum Laude. I was graduating first in my class, again. I was a bit excited. I won't lie. I felt absolutely proud that after all I had been through, I still had it in me.

Elik works a lot less now. Thank God. Jamie was transferring permanently to Los Angeles. Marcus and him were doing great and things were getting serious. It is a whirlwind romance. But, hey, who am I to judge?

Elik and my anniversary is tonite. Two years this man has been mine. God time flies when you are happy.

I just left school after what felt like the longest day ever. Pulling up into our garage I feel so ridiculously exhausted. Not exactly how you want to celebrate such a huge relationship milestone.

I'm home.

I'm fucking drained.

The house is dark and only the soft glow of the foyer light illuminates the floors. Where is everyone?

"Elik" I call out to my love.

When he does not reply, I search. I flip lights on as I walk into our home. It is eerily quiet.

I turn the lights to the kitchen on.

I spot the note.

He must be working late. That sucks.

Grudgingly, I pick up the offensive explanation for his absence.

My Love,

I have a meeting. It's at the football field of your high school. It's truly important. I apologize for disappointing you. This person is extremely valuable and I can't lose him. Would you mind doing me a favor? Please meet me in the parking lot. Stop by my office, there is a bag I forgot on my desk. I didn't have time to swing by. I love you and I appreciate you.

See you soon baby.


I turned off the lights as I make way back out of the house. I lock the doors and head for my car.

Elik's office is across town, the opposite direction of my old high school.

I'm tired, but never too tired for Elik. He does so much for me. A small favor is easy.

As I'm driving, I'm listening to Jacob Lee. He's incredible. His music soothes my exhaustion, it stirs my familiar emotions of love and adoration for my beloved.

Once I make it to Elik's office, I leave my car running as I make my way in. I unlock the doors and quickly find the bag on his desk. I hope I'm not late. Elik is so professional with his company. He will be a nervous wreck until I get this to him.

I lock up and jump back into my 370z. Going a bit above speed limit, I rush thru the L.A. streets.

I swing into the parking lot, park and turn my car off. I see Elik's Porsche but, he is no where to be found.

I walk quickly, looking around as I go. I jog towards the football field. Déjà Vu hits me quickly. Memories of my last day here flood around me.

This place was the final step to an ending. But, it was the first step to my beginning.

I remember looking for Elik. Scanning the field for the man that made my heart burst with his smile. Graduation Day. My last day as a child.

I panicked when I could no longer see Elik that day. I thought he had left, without a proper goodbye. I remember the cold darkness that made a home in my heart those fleeting moments he was missing.

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