Worth It

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***Dek's POV***

After week's of paperwork, visits to guidance counselors and making boring decisions, all seven us have started our classes at UCLA. Elik is busy with his company. Everyone moved into our house. Making it a complete shit show all the time.

Cherry and Cali are sharing a room. Of course their is me and Elik. Zaya and Yani have their own rooms. Chance and Broady are sharing the other.

It's sort of like a frat house with no actual fraternity. I'm positive the college parties will come soon enough. Hosting here will be a blast.

I'm studying to get a Masters in Social Economics with a minor in Psychology. This is an ambitious program. However, I am looking forward to the challenge. I have the heaviest work load allowed by the school. That took a lot of convincing the President of the University. It will all be worth it.

I take classes both on campus and online. This was the qualification demanded by the university. In total I am taking six classes with two being on line. The work load is ridiculous but, my intelligence makes it easy enough. The hardest part is time management.

With all of us taking on a full class schedule, we don't have time for work. Elik obviously has a job. Me, I don't need one thanks to my parents. I take care of expenses for my friends. I see them as family. They reluctantly agreed when I left no room for discussion. Instead of letting them argue, I gave them an offer they couldn't refuse. As long as they graduated, on time and kept their grades, I would give them an expense account to prevent them from being broke.

I know they feel like they are using me. I don't feel that way at all. The money my parents left me should be used towards a worthy cause. What more worthy cause could you have than six kids that my parents adored having an education. I look at it as an investment into the future.

Cherry is studying to be a teacher. Broady is working towards a degree in business. Chance is also going into business. I plan on giving the guys opportunities in the future to use those degrees.

Zaya is working on an accounting degree and will intern with Elik. That works out perfectly for me. Zaya is brilliant and I have no doubt she will be a valuable asset.

Yani is pursuing a degree as a nurse. With her compassionate disposition this is going to work well. She wants to work the trauma unit. She says my parent's death motivated her to become a member of the medical field. I can't help but feel proud of her.

Cali has taken us all by surprise. She chose to work in the field of Social work. She says that Zaya's upbringing has been a major influence in her career path. Zaya has a disturbing past. Her Aunt and Uncle reluctantly took her in when she was 13.

Zaya spent her younger years in the company of a mother who had been addicted to drugs. Her mother's lewd lifestyle introduced abuse to Zaya at a young age. Between drug dealers and the array of filth that follows that lifestyle, Zaya was in and out of temporary foster care.

Zaya's Aunt and Uncle never had children. They never wanted them. They felt forced into raising Zaya under obligation. Many times my parents tried to persuade Zaya into moving in with us. Unfortunately, her caretakers were adamant she stayed with them.

Zaya's Aunt and Uncle were receiving a large sum of money monthly to take care of her. Had my parents been aware of that information, I am positive they would have bought them out of their obligation. That information was only exposed recently.

Zaya grew up in a home where she felt like a burden. That pains me. I am happy she no longer lives under their roof. I never grew up in an environment where I felt nothing less than loved, adored and accepted. I only wish that our home makes her feel what she truly is, cherished.

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