Worth the Wait (JooKyun Mpreg)

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When he woke up, the early morning dawn creeping up, something resonated in him. Today was the day.

With a wriggle of his hips and the struggle of getting up due to the added weight, Changkyun manages to slowly rises from the bed, a hand on his back as he waddled to the kitchen. Humming softly, he gathered the pans and breakfast items needed to make something for his beloved Jooheon when he felt it. His first
contraction. Letting a whoosh of air out, the brunette continues on with his attempts to make pancakes. Changkyun smiles softly, reminiscing about his time spent in Boston. He brought his love for the fluffy dough and sugary syrup back to his home in Korea. Eventually, his boyfriend began asking him to make an "American" breakfast once in a while once they settled into their new home.

He rubbed his stomach lovingly, gazing a bit outside as he watched the parents gathering their children one-by-one into the car. That will be him in a few years. The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Changkyun was excited for the challenge pertaining to parenthood, but he was also nervous.

The rest of the band rowdily came in close to 3 in the afternoon, expecting to see the soon-to-be parents bickering about the paint job or Kihyun scorning Changkyun on the misuse of calling his hyungs to cater to his cravings.
"Where are The soon-to-be parents and ba-"
Kihyun hushed them instaneously with a finger to his mouth. He continued to rub the youngest member's back as he leaned on the kitchen island. Changkyun whimpered at the new sensation through his back. Kihyun made hushing noises as the regularity of the boy's breathing returned.

Jooheon frowned upon seeing his boyfriend in pain, but turned to his band members and told them to get comfy. "Ji-yeonnie has decided she wants to make her grand entrance."

The living room erupted into loud and boisterous cheers, with the members crowding around Changkyun and lightly rubbing his stomach. "Our niece is finally on her way!" and "you're going to do amazing Kyun!" made the situation exciting, but so surreal for the soon-to-be parents. Albeit nervous and trying to do his best to keep his nerves intact, Jooheon took Changkyun by his hand and gave his hand a chaste kiss.

Another three hours passed before Jooheon decided enough was enough. Changkyun was riding out another contraction, with his arms around Jooheon's neck and his body pressed as close as his stomach would allow. The other members watched with intent curiosity, never seeing a person in labor. Let alone their member who is said person in labor.
"C'mon Love, I think we should going to the hospital..." With that, Kihyun hums in approval and starts to give commands in effort to help the couple. "Shonwu and Wonho, get the packed bags. Hyungwon, you're the designated driver, start the car." Hyungwon made a face at Kihyun, shrugging as he started heading to the car. "Minhyuk, get snacks and drinks ready! Changkyun, continue to sit down and be a pretty parent-to-be."

Changkyun knew it would be a long night. ________________________________

Jooheon and Kihyun tried to help Changkyun progress following a strong contraction and the breaking of his water, but nothing was putting the boy at ease. They helped him lay on his side, but the pressure from his hips and back caused him to writhe in the bed. Instead, he vocalized how uncomfortable he was. They tried the yoga ball technique, but Changkyun would lift himself off during the peak of a contraction and grab onto Jooheon's shoulder.

Changkyun sobbed, the vice on his boyfriend's shoulder increasing. Kihyun frowned, starting to rub his back as a way of comforting him.
"Do you want to try being on your hands and knees, Kyunnie? Doctor said gravity is good for progression." The brunette male nodded, looking up at Jooheon with fluttery eyes and a pout, making grabby hands at his boyfriend. Jooheon casted a warm smile, taking the initiative of helping his boyfriend up from the yoga ball to the bed.

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