Facetime Call (JohnJae)

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During their American tour, Johnny and Jaehyun adopt a dog, but due to the tour, they have to leave the dog with Johnny's parents. Doyoung playfully makes comments about them for calling Johnny's parents to talk to their dog.

At the point in any relationship, the persistent "are you ready for a baby/dog" conversation persuades a couple in the direction they want to be in their lives. Johnny and Jaehyun were no different, both being in their 20's and in a serious, committed relationship for nearly 5 years. Despite being their touring status, they've been grateful enough to be in America as often as they were. Johnny was able to visit his parents in their Chicago shows, introducing his parents to Jaehyun formally as his boyfriend rather than his friend.

An ordinary day in the Suh household turned boisterous, loud chattering amongst the boys and clinking of culinary being passed around lingered the air. The meal, thankfully, went uneventful, but Johnny was preoccupied with the impending news of his relationship to his parents. The mere thought of his parents, especially his mother who he is so close with, not supporting his relationship with his fellow member would force him back into the shell he broke down long ago.

As if he knew, Jaehyun slid his hand to Johnny's thigh and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Johnny shyly smiles back and rubs Jaehyun's knuckles.

One-by-one, the other members began excusing themselves and offered to assist in cleaning, all to be shooed by Momma Suh. Some members made attempts at staying to persuade Mrs.Suh into allowing help, but she continued to refuse, telling the boys she was honored to have them in her home.

Johnny smiles softly and his body relaxes as he starts scrapping the remainder of food from the plate. "Eomma, I can always tell you things without having the need to keep a secret." Johnny starts, biting his lower lip in anticipation. Silence, although not uncomfortable lingered, an opportunity to fessing up to his recent disinclination involving his tour life. "Eomma, I'm bisexual." Johnny says rather softly, his concentration focused on the scrubbing motion against the plate. "I've known for a while of this attraction. While girls were pretty petals, gentle in touch and with their movement, I longed to accommodate myself to the rough edges of the rose. To be able to fully accept myself is by no longer holding lies and holding myself accountable to my actions."

The aroma of the scented permeated the air as did the silence. Johnny hesitated with his actions, flickering his eyes back to the piles of dishes stacked accordingly.

"You're still my son, Youngho. Nothing will change that for me about you." Mrs. Suh declares, gently putting a hand against her son's. "Although it will take time to accept this new aspect of you, I want you to feel comfortable enough where you can express how you feel and who you are seeing."

"And don't think I didn't see the way that nice Jung boy looked at you. He looks at you as if you hung the stars and the moon. Keep him around, he's sweet."

A sudden whir of the phone interrupted Johnny's reverie, fumbling in the attempt of answering. "Hello?" He answered in English, his lowered eyes perking up as soon as he heard who was on the other line. "Eomma! Eomma, how are you? How's Appa? How's our Choon-Hee doing?" Another ping directed Johnny back to his phone. "Jaehyun, do you want to say hi to our Choon?"

Animatedly, both greeted the Suh's, smiles increasing as they got into small talk as Mr.Suh walked away from the video camera.

"Hello my sweet boy, look at YOU! You're such a big boy, such a handsome boy!" Jaehyun cooed at the screen, causing both Johnny and his mother to laugh at the sudden reaction the puppy was giving on the other line.

"Hello my sweet little baby, are you being good for Halmeoni?" Johnny asked happily, little crescents forming where his eyes are. "We miss you so much, Choon! We cannot wait to be back in Chicago to bring you as many toys as you want!" Switching back into Korean, Jaehyun and Johnny conversed back and forth mostly about their sweet Choon-Hee and the onslaught of variety shows consuming schedule.

Many onlookers cooed at the two men blissfully unaware of their surroundings during the FaceTime call. Many would believe they were talking to a baby, whether that being their adoptive child or a nephew. Much to Doyoung's dismay, the mom of their group, both men were causing a commotion with their cooing and awwing of the screen. Scoffing, Doyoung leaves Taeyong with the task of handling the younger members ("But I want ice cream!") and slowly goes to where both members are keen on being attached to the screen.

What he did not expect was their reaction over a Golden Retriever puppy on the screen.

"Johny-Hyung, Jaehyun-dongsaeng, please wrap up your call. We will be boarding shortly."

Johnny pouted, actually pouted. "But Doyoung-ah, we haven't seen Choon-Hee in sooooo long. We miss our baby."

"Yeah, Hyung, you get to see your babies all of the time but we can't see our eolin-i. How does that make it fair?"

An eyebrow shot up as Doyoung stared at them, a wobbly smile turning into a smirk. "You think they're my babies, in what universe?" A sputtered laugh arose as Doyoung began walking away, hands gesturing about a dog being a baby.

Both men frowned as they wished their puppy and Johnny's parents farewell, promising to call upon arrival of their next destination. Johnny sighed wistfully and dejectedly looked at Jaehyun. "I assume this is how parents must feel when they have to leave their children for business trips?"

Jaehyun brought Johnny into an embrace, his fingernails lightly brushing against the nape of his hair. "It'll be okay, we will be okay." Jaehyun offers softly, picking up the dufflebag from the floor. "Choon-Hee is good hands with your parents, who wouldn't want you to be worrying. And in our next destination, we can pick up a toy or five for our little pup!"

"I heard you have a puppy, why wasn't I told?!" Laughter erupted through the halls, resulting in Jungwoo pouting childishly. Following the couple closely, Jungwoo whined about how he wanted a puppy of his own.

"For that, you would have to go to your loving boyfriend and ask him to break dorm rules." Jungwoo's eyes light up as if it were Christmas, rushing over to his boyfriend. "DOIE, CAN WE GET A PUPPY LIKE JOHNNY-HYUNG?! OH PLEASE?"

"Absolutely NOT!" Doyoung points at Mark and Haechan. "We HAVE puppies and you don't take care of them."

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