;* 3 *;

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Orientation day.....it's really crowded. As I make my way pass the sea of students I spot the tent for uniforms. I head that way to purchase my uniform. With uniform in hand I turn around to hear an announcement.

Nezu: "Now students for singing, we will head to the cafeteria for class selection."

That's me! I go through the crowd and make it inside to the cafeteria. Now it isn't as crowded. Seems to be about 40 people, including me. I walk around trying to find a spot to sit and listen. I manage to find a table and head to it. When I trip on a step and fall, only to be caught. As I'm pulled up I turn around to see my savior, well saviors.

Izuku: "Heh. Thanks."

Uraraka: "No problem!"

Iida: "You should really watch where you're going!"

Izuku: "Yeah....sorry. Izuku Midoriya."

Uraraka: "Uraraka Ochaco."

Iida: "Iida Tenya."

Izuku: "Would you guys want to sit together during the hearing?"

Uraraka: "Sure!"

Iida: "I'm just following Uraraka here."

Izuku: "There's a table this way."

As we head to the table a hand lands on it. I look up and it's....

Izuku: "Shoto?"

Todoroki: "Been awhile, hasn't it?"

O! M! G! My bestie! First thing I did was punch him on his arm.

Izuku: "Where did you go?! You just disappeared without a word!"

Todoroki: "I'm sorry.....my dad forced me to go on one of his tours."

Izuku: "You have my number!"

Todoroki: "Well..... 'I though I told you never to talk to that Midoriya kid.'"

Izuku: "You're dad doesn't want us to hang anymore?"

Todoroki: "Something about you being Toshinori's pupil."

Izuku: "I see...."

It then struck me.

Izuku: "Oh! Shoto this is Uraraka and Iida."

Shoto: "Pleasure to meet you."

Iida: "Same here."

Uraraka: "Who's your dad?"

Shoto: "Endeavor...."

Iida: "Isn't he like.....into rock?"

Shoto: "Yeah.......I'm not though. Which is where the differences begin."

Everyone begins to quiet down so we decide to as well. The first song begins to play

Izuku: "WOAH! I like most of the songs!"

Iida: "I'm must say, everyone is quite talented."

Uraraka: "So who was your favorite Izuku?"

Izuku: "It has to be ST (aka Shoto)."

Shoto: "O-Oh is that so?"

Izuku: "Yeah! Glad to know I wasn't the o—"

Shoot. Shouldn't say I entered a love song otherwise I'll be expelled.

Izuku: "Never mind. Who was your favorite Uraraka?"

Uraraka: "It has to be that Deku chick."

So they do think I'm a girl....

Izuku: "I-Is that so."

Uraraka: "Yeah! I just love a good love song once in a while."

Nezu: "Alright students. Fill out the paper that's being passed because that's for your vote. Before you leave today you must put it in the box here. Anyway, have a great day everyone! You will all be notified on which class you are a part of in a day or two. I expect all of you next week."

Izuku: "Well I should head out."

Shoto: "How come?"

Izuku: "We're going to hang out before your dad finds out."

Shoto: "Oh, I see! Well let's go."

We all fill out the paper and turn it in. Me and Shoto wave goodbye to Uraraka and Iida.

Izuku: "So......who did you vote for?"

Shoto: "You."

Izuku: "Shoto!"

Shoto: "It's funny to think that everyone thinks you're a girl because of your high voice."

Izuku: "Don't make fun of me!"

Shoto: "Hey, when we get to do duets with others we should do it together."

Izuku: "It would work out since I am now a girl."

Shoto: "Does that make you straight now?"

Izuku: "Shut up! You know I was making a joke."

Shoto: "Yeah, and I chose to ignore it."

So she is here. I didn't need to submit a song but I still had to come to orientation. I can tell that's her singing. It's a love song too. Could she be thinking about me? Probably not.....I hope it will be soon.

Kirishima: "Hey there! You look lonely."

Bakugou: "I'm not lonely."

Kirishima: "I'm Kirishima Eijiro. You are....?"

Bakugou: "*sigh*.......Bakugou Katsuki."

Kirishima: "Nice to meet ya Bakubro!"

I just nod and look around. I have to recognize who she is in this crowd.

Kirishima: "You......looking for someone?"

Bakugou: "Yeah......just don't really remember who they are...."

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