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3rd person
Bakugou: "Izuku!"

Bakugou reaches for Izuku's hand which makes him look back.

Bakugou: "Please don't go."

Izuku immediately pulled his hand away and rushed behind Todoroki. Bakugou stood there, dumbfounded.

What.....what the hell? For the first time in years I could feel tears on my face. Did I just.....get rejected? He looked nervous but annoyed by my action. I know damn half n half is....was? Whatever, he means a lot to Deku but.....so much more than his own feelings?

Izuku: "Shoto! SHOTO WAIT!"

He finally stops walking and I stop to catch my breath.

Todoroki: "I already told you my intention. You clearly like Bakugou. So why are you—"

I forced myself to kiss Shoto.

Izuku: "I....I never gave you a fair shot..."

I don't know why but....I feel like giving him a shot. I like Kacchan yes but....I didn't even spend the whole day with Shoto.

Todoroki: "Izuku.....you don't have to force yourself."

Izuku: "I'm choosing to do it aren't I?!"

Todoroki: "Yes but—"

Izuku: "I want you to be my boyfriend!"

I can't tell why I'm really doing this but.....it feels right? For now at least.

Todoroki: "Izuku.....I...."

I simply kissed Todoroki again. This time more passionately.

Izuku: "You're the best thing.....I never knew I needed."

Todoroki: "Izuku...."

Todoroki wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me once again.

I finally found them! As I'm panting I look up and see them.....kissing....

I could tell Izuku said something and that's when half n half kissed him again. I.....I simply clenched my fist and walked off. As the days passed everyone was excited for interviews and all that. I just couldn't get my mind off of damn Deku. That's when.....I started being a playboy. One girl, each night, not the same girl twice. Weirdly enough I can't bring myself to be with a guy. I like Deku and he's a guy but with any other guy.......I can't.

I started doing hormone therapy. I thought about it for a long time and decided that I would prefer to be female. I've been on these for almost a year. My voice is higher pitched, and I even started looking more feminine. I'm not sure if I want to go all the way though. What I mean is the surgery.....sounds scary because once I do this, I can't undo it. I'm still with Shoto. I thought that I would be over him and let him have his chance but....I'm still here. He's the best boyfriend I could ask for. Honestly.....I've lost sight of Kacchan. I hardly see him around and when I do, he's with some girl. Doesn't matter to me though, I mean, I have my boyfriend. So why does it hurt to see him with someone else. I have to accept that I chose Shoto over him.

Ugh.....new song for our last year at high school. I try to think of a topic. Then all of a sudden....Deku pops into mind. Damn that nerd! No matter who it is. How many times. Or even how much hotter they are. That damn nerd always creeps back into my mind! It's been almost two years! Why can't I just—! It stroke me.....I began to write the lyrics down as they came into my head. I swear........this....is my last attempt.

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