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Kayla Summers

Today was the kick back but I was out having the ice cream I said I would with Josh.

I really just didn't wanna be mean, I get really bad about turnin him down before so that's why I did this.

We had a friendly conversation then he walked me to the car and I gave him a side hug.

I got in my car pulling off towards my house, I finally found an apartment not too far from my parents house.

It was ah nice 4 bed room 3 bath and it was roomy, and had a good price so I got it.

I moved in, in a week so I was just packing me and Hailey's stuff to we can be ready when the movers come.

I pulled up to the house and got out walking inside seeing Hailey watching TV in the living room.

I walked over to here kissing all over her face while she giggled making me smile at her.

"Hey baby." I said and she smiled up at me, "Hey mommy." She smiled making my heart warm.

I walked out and went to my room taking ah shower decided what I was gonna wear at this kickback.

I called B and Veah seeing what they were finna wear, "Hello?" B answered right after Veah in They closets.

"What are we wearing tonight?" I asked and they looked at the phone, not saying anything.

"Ion even kno." Veah said putting her hand in her head and B agreed with her and we sat there for a minute.

Then B gasped, "Remember those outfits we brought from the store?" She asked and we nodded.

And I gasped running to my closet, "Alright imma talk to y'all later." I said hanging up.

I walked to my closet pulling my outfit out along with my shoes putting them on after I lotioned up.

I smiled at my outfit walking to my mirror looking at my simple outfit in the full body mirror.

I looked at my phone grabbing it when it dinged seeing it was B saying she was outside.

I walked to Haileys room seeing she was laying down on her phone and watching TV at the same time.

"Come give me ah hug before I go and choose one device." I said as she hugged me.

She kissed my cheek and turned her TV off getting back on her phone, "Bye mommy love you." She said and I smiled.

"Love you too." I said walking out and say bye to my parents and walking to B car seeing Veah already inside.

"Y'all ready?" She asked and I gave her a blank face, "Girl drive." I chuckled and she smiled pulling off.

When we pulled up to the kickback it was already packed we got out heading for the kitchen.

I grabbed me a Coke and poured it in a clean cup after I washed it out and took a sip.

I sat down on the couches in the living room as B and Veah danced with each other.

We we're all in clear view of each other so we were good or the most part of anything happening.

I watched as a boy approached me and he smiled while I gave him a flat face as he just continued to smile.

"Wassup ma." He said and I rolled my eyes at the achohol on his breathe, making me sick.

"I have a boyfriend." I said and he looked at me and sucked his teeth, "So, you can't have friends?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No he kill people too." I said and he looked at me for a second before answering me.

"What he don't kno ain't gone hurt him." He said with ah smile and I rolled my eyes.

Then I felt somebody put their arm over my shoulder and looked up at Jay as he smiled down at me.

"So you ready to die bout this one huh buddy." He said and I looked at him as he shook his head frantically.

"I'm good my bad bro." He said walking away as I looked at Jay, "You messing up the process." I said smiling.

He sucked his teeth slapping me upside the head, "Stop playing with me." He said grabbing my throat.

I smiled at him hitting him back, "You just made me head hurt." I said and he smiled.

"I'm sorry." He said looking at me and I smiled as he kissed my cheek, "Feel better?" He asked and I nodded.

"Come on Ion like party's." He said and I looked at him, "I can't just leave B and Veah." I said.

He sucked his teeth pointing at them dancing with Kay and Bullets nd I nodded still texting them.

They respond with and 'Okay' and a thumbs up emoji and I walked to Jay's car sitting in the seat.

"You and Hai still packing?" He asked and I nodded tiredly as I started dozing off.

"Yea, we're almost done though." I yawned and he nodded his head as I started to closed my eyes.

When we got to my house Jay woke me up and we walked into the house and I headed straight to my room.

I already kno Hai is asleep right now and I just wanted to sleep too, life is really tiring.

I felt the bed dip and Jay wrap his arms around my waist making me smile as I drifted off.

I could hear Jay snoring as my phone dinged and I looked at it seeing it was so Girl from Instagram.

I sighed decieding to open the app, I seen it was a girl trying to message me.

I opened the messages seeing picture of Jay and another girl laid up and he was asleep while she laid on his chest.

I looked at it closely as I just sat there for a minute not really knowing what to do.

I really couldn't believe this nigga, J cut my phone off already know what the hell I was about to do.

Right idea, wrong bitch....

I felt him move around a little as he looked at me nd I stared back turning over to go to sleep.

He gon feel me...


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