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Before I start I wanna say y'all comments funny asl🤦🏾‍♀️😭
Jayceon King| Jay, Draco

Mannn I so fucking tired been running round all day, I just wanna sit down shit.

Been up since early this morning running these damn errands, I dropped the package off and drove off

I pulled my phone out face timing Kayla, "Hello?" I said into the phone and she looked at the camera.

"Yes." She said moving out the camera and I chuckled, "I'm about to come over there." I said.

I put my phone in my lap and turned the corner, "Okay." She said hanging up and I shook my head.

I pulled up to Kayla house after a few minutes and got out walking up too the door.

I knocked and leaned against the door frame waiting for her to answer, after a few seconds she opened the door.

I looked at her and smiled, "Hey mamas." I said wrapping my arms around her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me back, "Hi." She said smiling.

I let her go closing and locking the door and following behind her, "Hi Jay!" I heard Hailey scream.

She ran up to me and I smiled picking her up, "Wassup Hai." I said hugging her and she hugged me back.

"I missed you, I haven't seen you in for ever." She said and I smiled, "I missed you too." I said.

I put her down and kneeled down to her, "I haven't seen you in a while every time I come you not here." I said.

She nodded, "I know I was with my Gma." She said and I nodded, "Ohhh." I said and she nodded.

I talked to her a bit longer then she ran off and I walked in Kayla room and saw her closing her eyes.

"You going to sleep on me mamas?" I asked laying on her stomach, she looked down at me nodding.

"Cuddle with me." She said opening her arms and I slide up the bed and wrapped my arms around her.

She looked like she was tryna fight her sleep and I sucked my teeth, "Go to sleep Kayla." I said.

She looked at me rolling her eyes before closing them, I flicked her neck before grabbing the remote.

"Stoppp." She whined mushing my head and I looked at her shaking my head, abusive.

After about 15 minutes Hailey came in the room and I looked at her, "I'm hungry, can you fix me food?" She asked.

I looked down at Kayla before nodding, I slipped from under her and picked Hailey up.

"Come on." I said walking out the room with her and to the kitchen sitting her on the counter.

"Whatchu wanna eat?" I asked and she put her hand on her chin think for a minute.

"I want some chicken nuggets and fries." She said and I nodded going in the freezer pulling the ingredients out

I put the stuff on the pan pre-heating it and waiting just talking to Hailey till it beeped.

When it beeped I out the food in the oven and sat at the island just talking to Hailey.

"Jay can you paint my toes again they messed up." She pouted and I nodded, "After you eat." I said.

She nodded smiling making me smile, I heard the oven timer and took the food out.

"We gone wait for it to cool off, here play a game." I said handing her my phone and she smiled taking it.

I just watched the food cool off then put it on plates and handed her's to her.

"You want ketchup?" I asked and she nodded, I gave her the ketchup and sat at the island with her.

She squirted on there then turned criss cross apple sauce on the counter eating her food.

"Jay?" She said and I looked up at her, "Hmm?" I said picking a frie up about to eat it.

"Can you be my dad, mommy doesn't talk about my other one and she have bad dreams about him." She started.

"And your nice." She said and I looked at her Ian wanna day the wrong thing here.

"Yea, but you gotta ask your mom first." I said and she nodded smiling going back to my phone.

Ian know what to do in this cituation, Wait Kayla be having bad dreams about him and she ain't tell me.

"Okay i'm dome." Hailey said snapping me out of my thoughts making me nodded.

I walked over picking her up and walking to her room sitting her on the bed grabbing her polish.

"Lemme see your feet." I said and she gave me her feet focused on my phone on a game.

Wait she got her own phone, nevermind atp I painted her toes and she looked at them.

"Thank you." She said smiling giving me a hug and I smiled hugging her back then letting her go.

I grabbed my phone while she turned the TV on and was walking out, "See you later." I said.

She nodded and I walked out the room and back to Kayla room laying in the bed continuing to watch TV.

Kayla woke up and looked at me and smiled, "Hi." She said and I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Wassup mamas." I said grabbing her waist and she smiled at me, "I'm hungry papa feed me." She said.

I looked at her shaking my head, "There's some nuggets in the kitchen I don't wanna hear it." I said.

She looked at me shaking her head, "Sound like my momma." She said and I shrugged.

"Sound like a child." I said and she looked at me, "Fuck you." She said chuckling afterwards.

I smiled at and laid down some more looking at the TV while she walked in the bathroom.

I heard water then. Few minutes later she came out and walked out the room.

After a few minutes she came back inside and looked at me eating chicken nuggets.

She came and laid on top of me, "Hailey just asked me something." She said looking up at me.

"You agreed to be her dad?" She asked and I nodded, "You have bad dreams?" I asked.

She looked down eating her food and I lifted her head up, "Fat ass." I said and I hit me.


"Sometimes." She said and I nodded, "Why you ain't tell me?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Ian think you would care about the dreams I guess." She said shrugging and I shook my head.

"Why would I?" I asked and she shrugged, "I don't know." She said and I shook my head.

"It's okay baby." I said kissing her lips and she smiled at me looking back at the TV eating her chicken nuggets.

Fat ass


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