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Kayla Summers

I woke up and slowly got out of bed and walked to Hailey room to see her still asleep in bed.

I walked back to the room and walked to the bathroom and got dressed and did my hygiene and walked back out.

I walked over to Jay and shook him he looked st me and sat up, "Why you up so early?" He asked.

"I gotta go help Veah with something can you drop Hailey off to school for me?" I asked and he nodded.

I kissed his lips and looked down to see that he was ost awake but still kinda sleep so I let him go.

"Alright." He said and laid back down I walked out and walked to Hailey room and kissed her head.

I walked out her room and walked to the front door opening it and walking out closing and locking it.

I got on the elevator and headed towards the garage and headed to the doctors where I was meeting Veah and B.

When I got there they were standing in front of the clinic and talking when I walked up they smiled.

We hugged and then I walked in I signed so papers and sat down we waited for a while then I got hungry and we left.

We came back like 30 minutes later and sat back down and ate, after a while they called me back.

I told the girls I would go in by myself and walked to the room and when I walked in I stopped.

Jay was sitting in the corner casually on his phone and when I walked in he looked up at me.

"You really thought I wouldn't know you would be going to the doctors for possibly carrying my future child?" He asked.

I sighed closing my eyes and then closing the door and walking over to the table and sitting on it.

"How you find out?" I asked and he shrugged, "I have my ways." He said looking around.

I scoffed and laid down on the bed waiting for the doctor to come, "Why you ain't tell me?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "You was gone abort it?" He asked and I looked at him fast asl.

"No." I said and he looked at me, "I just asked I just wanna know why you ain't tell me we could have did this together." He said.

I shrugged, "I don't know I guess I just wanted to be sure." I said playing with my hands.

He got up and walked over to me and grabbed my hands, "I wish you would have just told me." He said.

I nodded my head and shrugged, "I guess." I said and then looked up when the doctor came in.

She ran a few test had me pee in a cup and some other stuff then left out and we waited for a couple minutes.

"Your gonna keep it if we do have a baby right?" Jay asked and I nodded my head and blew out a breathe.

"It's alright we gone figure it out bae." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing me cheek.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, "How i'm gone tell Hailey?" I asked and he looked down at me and chuckled.

"She gone be good she always saying how she need her a sibling." He said and I chuckled and nodded.

After a while the doctor came back in and smiled and me and I smiled back at her as she closed the door.

"Well your results came back Ms. Summers your are indeed pregnant." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you." She nodded, "Would you like an ultra sound?" She asked and I nodded my head at her.

She left out and came back in with some equipment and told me to lift my shirt up and she put the gel on it.

She moved it around and looked at the screen then smiled, "Well there's your little bundle of joy right there." She said.

I smiled at the screen the baby's so little but it's so cute, Jay grabs my hand and looked down at me and smiled.

She gave me the pictures and something to wipe my stomach off and Jay being him just wiped it off for me.

Then he helped me down trying to be super careful, "Bae, I got this I can still move I don't even have a bump." I said.

He blew out a breathe and helped me out of the room and down the hallway of the building to the front.

The girls where still sitting in the chairs at the front but got up when they seen me and made the yikes face when they seen Jay.

I walked over to them and handed them the papers and they looked at the ultrasound sound pictures smiling.

"I'm going to be the god mom this time." B said and I chuckled nodding my head at her.

They hugged me and gave me back the ultrasound papers I looked at them and smiled then at the pictures.

They waved me bye and I turned to Jay who was just watching me, we walked out the place in silence.

When we got in the car Jay turned the car on and started driving, "Why you ain't tell me?" He asked.

I just shrugged my shoulder and looked out the window as we passed by houses, "I don't know." I said.

He stopped the car and pulled on the side of the road and I looked at him, "What chu doing?" I asked.

He looked at me, "You was about to go to the first appointment of a child the had my genes without me." He said.

I looked down at my hands and shrugged, "It was just to see if I was really pregnant." I said.

He looked at me and shook his head, "Why you ain't just tell me?" He asked again and I shrugged again.

"I wanted to be sure first before I said anything." I said and he looked at me and sighed turning the car on.

We drove in silence we picked Hailey up on the way and she was talking about how her day was and we would answer.

When we got to the house Jay helped Hailey out the car and we got on the elevator and headed up.

When we got to the house Hailey ran straight to her play room and Jay walked away from me.

And I closed and locked the door following him as he walked in to the room and laid in the bed.

I sighed and just decided to talk to him when I got out the shower I grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom.

I stayed in the shower for about 20 minute before getting out and doing my routine and walking out.

Jay was still on the bed and was just scrolling through his phone and I walked over and sat by him.

I grabbed his phone and cut it off and looked at him, "You gone be mad for ever?" I said.

He looked at me and reached for his phone, "I didn't say I was mad." He said grabbing my phone.

I hit him upside the head, "Who you talking to?" I asked and he just looked at me and reached for the phone again.

I put the phone in my night pants and looked at him, "Now what?" I asked and he went in my night pants grabbing it.

I huffed and laid down in the bed and turned the other way, "Okay stay mad, mad ass." I said.

I heard him and I smiled, he to whipped he not finna let me stay mad, "I'm sorry baby." He said kissing my neck.

I smiled and turned around laying on his chest, "It's okay and I'm sorry for not telling you." I said.

He just nodded and started rubbing my back making me sleepy a little so I went to sleep.


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