Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Readers POV-

"Wh-who are you?" he asked, his eyes staring into mine, wide and confused. "I'm (Y/n)." I smiled, keeping my hand outstretched. He gulped, looking at my hand in turmoil. I understood why.. After all, from what he explained, this was probably the first bit of kindness any human had shown him. It was no wonder he was confused. But even more than that, he looked.. Scared. After what felt like minutes of deliberation, he looked up to me hesitantly lifting his hand and reaching towards mine. I felt a smile perk up the corners of my lips as his hand finally grazed mine, gently grabbing it as I did the same. He yelped a little as I got up, hoisting him up with me. As we got to our feet, he stared at me for a moment, eyeing me suspiciously. After a few seconds, he turned around, starting to walk away from me casually. I stood there for a second, confused, but his groan of annoyance soon rang though the halls. "Well? Are you coming or not?"
We walked through the stone corridors for a while in silence. I was scared that being the first one to talk would annoy him. But eventually, curiosity got the better of me and I spoke up. "So..." I started, not daring to look at him, as I knew he was giving me an irritated look. "What's your name?" I asked, looking down at my hands as we walked. His eyes drifted forward again as a small silence passed through us. "I already told you, it's Envy." he said, and from the tone of his voice I could tell he was calmer than before. I frowned, "Sorry.. I didn't think you were serious." I responded, [I mean.. Whose name is Envy? Literally the sin of envy? Although I guess he is a homunculus, so he wasn't named as a human would be.] I thought to myself, and Envy could practically see the cogs turning in my head from my thoughtful expression. He rolled his eyes and put his arms behind his head as he walked, seeming to get more relaxed. "Don't think about it to much, you'll hurt your head." He mocked, and I let out a small chuckle. And I swore that out of the corner of my eye, I saw a faint tint across his cheeks. Though I wrote it off as him not knowing how to intake kindness or express emotions well.
After a while of talking, Envy groaned, rubbing his forehead in distress. "Jeez! If I knew you were gonna talk this much, I would've killed you back there!" he groaned, and I laughed again, a grin clear on my face. "But you didn't." I laughed, grin fading back to a small smile. "Thank you. For not killing me that is." I said, looking up to him with kind eyes. He made a weird face at me, the turned away. "Tch. Whatever." He spoke, then again after a few seconds. "Thanks for saving me.. I guess." he said quietly, and it wouldn't have been audible had it not been for the complete and utter silence in the halls. I looked down at my hands, smile still on my face, as we walked side by side.
"So.. Who is this father guy? He seems to be all anyone can talk about today haha." I asked, as I'd heard him mentioned by both Envy and General Armstrong earlier that day. He looked at me with an amused expression, "Hah! I wonder how many people that pipsqueak told about our plan! I wonder if they even figured it out?" he responded, then turned back to face the dark hallway ahead. "Father is the one who created us homunculi. We all embody the seven deadly sins of humans as a part of his being. He's also a homunculus, but a much more powerful one! His stone is filled with the souls of all of Xerxes! He's more powerful than any being on this planet, and you'd have to be crazy to want to fight him!" he spoke in am almost manic way, then broke out laughing. "God, you humans are so idiotic!" He said through bouts of laughter. I just looked at him, a slight smile creeping up my face. I wasn't sure why, but talking to him like this was.. Almost nice. Him not being afraid to go basically crazy in front of me. Oddly enough, it was pretty adorable. Envy caught the look on my face, and stopped laughing, his expression replaced by confusion and a tad bit of darkness. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, his head tilting to the side. I shook my head, "I just like talking to you. You're fun." I replied, smile never once leaving my face. His eyes narrowed, and he looked back ahead. "Any normal human would be freaked out by the way I'm talking." he offered, and I simply shrugged. "Guess I'm not normal then." I explained, and he let out a small chuckle, "That's for damn sure."
As we continued to talk, more about father, then on to how long he's lived and the things he's done, I began to feel closer to him. I knew he was only telling me these things in an attempt to push me away from him, bragging about how many people he's killed and so on. Although I only felt like I wanted to be closer to him because of it. Weird, I know. I'd never met anyone like him, and there was a desire deep within me to earn his trust. I just knew that I could be a good friend to him, someone who cares, if he let me. A friend.. Something (according to him) that he'd never had. And even though he talked about humans like they were the scum of the earth, there was something about the way he spoke.. Like he admired us or something.
No, it was jealousy. He was envious of humans. [Thus explains the name..] I thought to myself, so deep in my mind at this point that I didn't realize when Envy put an arm in front of me, stopping me dead in my tracks. "Oof! What is it?" I asked, turning to him. He looked at me with an almost blank expression, but I could see a little anger seething through. "We're here." he said simply, motioning to a another seemingly giant cement door. Although this one was already open.

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