Chapter 2

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After that fateful day we strated seeing each other. It was Six Months after we started seeing each other that I realized that I loved him. That night He took me out to dinner at my favorite Italian restruant. We had just gotten back from dinner, He was walking me to my dorm. When we got to my door, I was waiting for him to kiss me. 'I've been meaning to tell you something, and i'm not sure how your going to react'. He said. 'Me too.' I said. 'You can go first' he said. 'I Love You Calvin' I told him. I looked up to see him Smiling ear to ear. 'I Love You too Jamie'. Then He gave me the best kiss I had ever had. That was also the first night we made love.

It was during Spring Break of my freshman year, that He invited me to spend the break with him and his family at Lake Winnetka. It was the first of many breaks that i spent with him and his family. But that first one was also the first break from College that i spent away from My family. His Yougner siblings were very accepting of our relationship. And after the shock wore off of His Dad (Jimmy) I was pretty much a part of the Murtagh family.

The Summer after freshman year was difficult. I went home for the first time since Christmas break. What my family didn't know was that I was only staying for two and a half weeks. Then i was going to be joining Calvin and His family at the lake for the rest of summer break. It was when my time to leave came, I was packing my suitcase when Lorannie came into My room. 'Hey I wanted to borrow those cute wedges you have.'She said upon entering. Then she saw me packing. 'What are you doing? I thought you were staying the whole summer'She asked. 'Well I guess I have to tell you, I'm spending the rest of the summer with My boyfriend at His family's place on Lake Winnetka' I told her.

'I didn't know you were dating anyone, and certainly not serious enough to spend a holiday with them. Who is he, and when did this happen.' She asked. 'Ok brace yourself It's Calvin Murtagh' I told her. 'What are you kidding Me of all of the guys you could date. You pick the oldest son of Dad's Arch rival what were you thinking?' She asked. 'I wasn't really thinking about that, I started seeing Him in late august. I bumped into him on my way to Class during the first week of the fall semester' I said. 'So you've been seeing him for close to a year'she said. 'Yeah, and I would apperciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone' I said to her. 'Am I the only one who know's about you two in this family?' She asked. 'No Nora knows as well, the only reason she knows is she caught me talking to him on My cellphone. So I'm going to make you promise me the same thing I made her promise, and that is to anyone else in this family about until I'm ready tell Mom and Dad okay'. I asked of her. 'Okay I promise' she told me. 'Thank you'.

After summer ended and I was on my way back to Yale with Calvin. Only this time I wouldn't be living in a dorm. It was during our time at the Lake, One morning close to the end of our stay, we were joking around in bed when I said 'You Know now that we have slept in the same bed all summer I don't think that I can go back to sleeping alone again' I joked with a Laugh. Then all of a sudden his face got serious. I didn't hear him the first time so i asked him to repeat himself. 'I want you to move into my apartment with me'He said.

Pictures Of the Apartment

Pictures Of the Apartment

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Safe to say I was little shocked

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Safe to say I was little shocked. It didn't take me long to answer with 'Yes , I'll move in with you'. After we got back to school I moved into his apartment with him. We found that living together afforded us more time with each other, while still going to school. Time just seemed to fly by. Before we knew it Christmas Break came rolling around. So we decided to stay at school and spend Christmas together just the two of us. To avoid our complaining parents and siblings, we told our family's that we were staying at school to work on school assignments that we wouldn't be able to work on from home. 

AN/:/ I Changed the date of Proposal.

We spent a wonderful Christmas together. On New Years Eve My older sister Nora and her husband Bud came to spend New year's with us. It was during our celebrating that I noticed that Nora wasn't drinking her Champagne. 'Is something wrong with your drink Nora?' I asked. 'No. It's just... Oh might as well tell you, I'm pregnant'She said. 'Oh My God Nora that's amazing news'I said. 'Have you told Mom and Dad yet'I asked. 'Not yet, we are gonna wait another month or so before we tell anyone else. I just found out last week, and besides Bud your one of the first people I wanted to tell.' she said. 

'So You and Calvin, everything's good with you two?' She asked. 'Yeah I love Him and living with him is great.' I said. 'But...You want more.' Nora said. 'Exactly I mean last summer we spent alot of time at the lake just talking about our future together. I mean, His family already knows and his dad is actually okay with us being together. But I thought by now we would have told Mom and Dad. I keep going over and over it in my head on how I want to tell them, but every time I think about it all I see is Dad's disapointed face'.

'Okay just take a breath you don't have to tell them right this second. Just next time you see them in person you can tell them then. So don't worry aboutt it until then. When you do tell them just let them have some time to process it.'Nora reasoned. 'Okay your right, I'm done worrying about for now. So let's just go back into the living room and celabrate the New Year and the fact your pregnant.' We made our way back into the living room. It was a couple of hours later that we were sitting on the couch in front of the Tv getting ready to watch the ball drop.

'Time to watch the ball drop' I said switch the channel on the Tv. Before I knew it the Countdown started. '10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR' we all shouted. After me and Calvin shared our New Year's kiss, and Nora and Bud shared thiers. We all grabbed our glasses and cheered to the New Year. I got up off the couch and walked to the kitchen to grab another bottle a champagne.

When I walked back in to the living room, I noticed that Calvin was getting down on to one knee. 'What'I said breathlessly. 'I've wanted to do this for a while now. Jamie Louise Baker I Love You so much, and I cannot imagine my life without you. Will do me the honor of Marrying Me and making me the happiest Man in the world' He asked. 'YES, Of course I will Marry You.'I Said. As he slid the beautiful ring on my finger I couldn't help but Awe over it.

 As he slid the beautiful ring on my finger I couldn't help but Awe over it

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I hadn't even noticed Nora and Bud watching us from kitchen door way. Nora was crying, 'Congratulations, Now I want see the ring.' I lifted My hand for her to see My gorgeous engagement ring. 'Wow it's beautiful, did you pick it out yourself Calvin.' She asked. 'I actually had two different ones picked out, then Your sister Lorannie called. You were out at the Library so I sent her pictures of both of the rings, an asked her witch one she thought you would like. She said that one was perfect' He explained. 'Well I Absolutly Love it. I can't wait to pick a date, and start planning the wedding'. 

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