Chapter 3

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AN://: Here is the newest chapter. I ended up Changing alot of the story that I originally wanted to write. But I think that this chapter turned out a lot better.

After New Year's, Time seemed to fly again. Before I realized it was already mid march, and once again time for spring break. 'Mom I wish I could come home this break, but I've got alot of school work to do and if I come home I won't be able to concentrate on it' I said to my mom. I was on the phone with her explaining why I can't come home for spring break this year. 'Then why is Lorainne coming to stay with you during spring break?' She asked. 'The only reason she is spending the break with me is cause I want to spend some time with her, You know take her shopping.' 'That's not the only reason is it?' 'Well I'm kind of the reason she applied for that internship, so I told her I would take her to the interview' I told her. 'Okay, how is she gonna get there?' 'I sent her a Plane Ticket, and I'm goning to pick her up.' 'And before You even ask she will be sleeping in the guest room.' 'Speaking of witch when are we gonna meet your boyfirend?' 'It's Supposed to be this summer, at Lorannie's graduation.' 'Okay then' 'I love you Mom, I got to go were actually getting ready to go out to dinner.' Love you too Jamie, Bye'

Time Skip

'So this is where you live?' Lorranie asked as she walked in after me. 'Yeah you will be staying in the guest room.' I led her to the room. 'Are you hungery, I'll be ordering dinner soon.' 'What are you odering?' 'Don't worry it's just Pizza, just let me know if you want a certain topping okay' 'just make my half extra cheesse' 'Kay I'm gonna change, order the Pizza's then we can talk wedding dresses.' About Twenty minutes later the front door of the apartment opened. 'Jamie, Babe I'm home' Calvin called out walking into the Kitchen. 'I'm in our bedroom changing be out in a few' I called out to him. 'Okay I laid the Pizza's on the island in the Kitchen.' 'That was fast I only ordered about Twenty minutes ago.' 'Babe it alaways takes forty, did you happen to take a small nap again after you got back from picking up your sister.' I looked at my watch. 'Wow I guess I did.'

'Are you feeling okay Babe , I know youv'e been stressed out a lot latley.' 'Cal I'm fine, it's just school, my family wanting me to come vist. 'Oh and the fact that they haven't meet you yet.' 'Babe it's going to be fine, I'm just worried about you. Wev'e both been busy with school, planning the Wedding and Looking at House's that I think it might be to much on you.' 'And I told you I'm fine okay, wait did you just say your looking at House's.'

'Yeah I am. I figured that after the wedding we would want more space. You know for when we have kids and maybe a dog.' 'Wow youv'e really been thinking about our future.' 'Oh and I should probally tell you that when we go to the lake for Labor day My dad want's to take us to see a house there' 'What, you mean a house for us at the lake.' 'Yeah he already sent me Pictures of it he want's to fix it up for us as an early wedding gift.' 'Wow so we are gonna have our own place there?' I said 'yeah he said he can't wait show us the plans for he has for the renavation.' 'You know I'm happy that your dad is in favor of our relationship. By the way how is his relationship with that actress he's been seeing what's her name Sarina isn't it ?' 'Oh he told me last week that they got Married a couple of weeks ago. So when does Lorraine have her interview?' 'It's the day after tomorrow, and after were going shopping for wedding dresses.' 'Come on lets go eat and relax okay.' Sounds like a plan to me.'

Time Skip Day of Lorranie's interview

'Okay call me when your done with your interview, And I'll come and pick you up.' 'Where will you be ?' She asked. 'I have a doctor's appoitment I have to get to, so I'll see you later.'

Time Skip Dress Shopping

Jamie's Wedding Dress 

Jamie's Wedding Dress 

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