Part 3

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Ashi : Yes I do but whatever happened was in the past so why are you bringing it up now? 

Randeep : Of course why would you care since you don't care about anyone's feeling. 

Vijay : Sorry Randeep, but can I have a dance with my sister? I mean I know I should be dancing with Unnati as per as the game rules but I just wanted to dance with di, as I don't know when I will get a chance again. 

Randeep : Sure Vijay, no problem.

 Vijay and Ashi started to dance after twirling her twice he notices that she is in a trance however she is still dancing well. 

Vijay : What was that all about? 

Ashi : What Vijay? 

Vijay : Di, don't try to hide it what is going on between you and Randeep? 

She gives him a fake smile : Nothing Vijay, there is nothing between me and Randeep. 

Vijay : Seriously di, I'm not that stupid I know the difference between your fake smile and when you smile from your heart. I can feel the cold vibes between you two, in fact this morning at the temple the way he spoke to you, what are you hiding? 

Ashi : Nothing Vijay! 

Vijay : Di, I know you since we were kids anybody else can't notice it but I can you have changed since you came back from New York and all of a sudden you had decided to continue your studies in India and I don't know why but I feel that you and Randeep know each other from before. Otherwise there wouldn't be coldness between you and him in the first meeting. I am always there for you! 

Soon the party ends and everyone have left. 

Ashi is in her room and is standing near the window thinking about what happened at the part, Randeep's word are running in her head. She closes her eyes and a small tear rolls down her cheeks. 



It have been 4 month since Pia and Ashi have joined the uni and Pia have also became friends with Randeep but however Ashi always maintained distance. 

One day Ashi, came out of the library and is going to meet Pia at the canteen but one of her classmate came and told her that she is in the medical room. She gets so worried that she rushes there to see Pia have bandage on her feet however she didn't notice the person who is sitting on the chair next to the bed as all her attention is focused on her best friend. 

Ashi : Oh god Pia, how did this happen? 

Pia : Ashu, woh..

Ashi : You never take care of your self. See because of your carelessness all this happened. 

Pia : Ashu, relax if you ask so many question at the same time how can I answer? Okay so to your first question I was in the canteen and you know actually one of my enemy that stupid Kelly dared me to dance and you know if I don't then people will make fun out of me thinking I'm scared so I agreed and started to dance but while spinning I kind of fell and sprained my feet and about taking care of myself then I don't need to coz you are there to take care of me.

Ashi : Pia, tum.. 

Pia : Okay, stop your lecture. (she then turned other side where the person is sitting )Randeep see how she speaks to me even if I'm hurt she will be still angry with me and Ashu, you should be thankful to him that he was there and brougt me here otherwise I couldn't even walk properly. 

Ashi : Thanks for helping Pia! 

Randeep : It's okay, after all Pia is also my friend. 

Ashi : Pia, I think we should go home now! 

Pia : Yeah, lets go.

Randeep : Pia, hold on. 

She finds herself in his arms, while Ashi takes the medicine from the nurse and heads out along with him. 

However, Ashi didn't bring her car today since the girls had decided to walk it to uni because of the nice weather so he decides to drop them home. 

Randeep : Okay, so I will leave now take care of your self Pia! 

Ashi : Pia, I will be back. 

Pia : But where are you going? 

Ashi : To say thanks to him and this time properly. 

He is surprised to see her : Any problem? 

Ashi : Erm, no actually I wanted to say thanks to you once again for helping Pia otherwise I'm sure when she fell that Kelly would make fun out of her but before she could do that and before another cat fight could happen between them you came to her rescue so thank you so much I'm really thankful to you. Pia means a lot to me and I cant see her hurt. 

Randeep : It's okay no need to say thanks plus Pia is my friend.

Ashi : Okay, so erm thanks once again and also for the lift. 

Randeep : Ashi! 

Ashi : Hmm! 

Randeep : Friends?

Ashi : Friends! 

Randeep : Finally, even you can't resist me see became my friend so easily. 

Ashi : Oh hello Randeep, it doesn't mean I became your friend means I couldn't resist you in fact I became your friend because you helped my friend and I liked that so stop your flirting.  

Randeep : Arey, wah you know me so well! 

Ashi : But you don't know me, actually you know what I will call you RD! 

Randeep : You can even call me Deep! 

Ashi : Behave RD, and now you can go see you at uni bye! 

Randeep : Bye! 


The next day

Ashi : Pia, I'm going uni so see you later and make sure you take rest don't try to wonder of and Katie will give you your lunch and medicine so eat it without making a fuss understood? 

Pia: Okay meri maa now go. 

She laughs slightly and kissed her on her forehead before leaving.

She parks her car and then heads inside uni she is walking while looking at the notes and bumps into Randeep and is about to fall but he holds her on time.

Ashi : Now are you planning to stand like this the whole day?

Randeep : Not bad already started to bump into me so that you get a chance to be in my arms interesting! 

Ashi : Very funny! 

Randeep : By the way where is Pia? 

Ashi : She is at home resting as the nurse had told me she needs complete bed rest so yeah, okay RD I'm getting late for my lecture so see you later, bye! 

Randeep : Bye! 


Precap :

 Flashback continues

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