Part 14.1

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Unnati : I'm seriously lucky to have a friend like you! 

Ashi : Are you not angry that I blamed Randeep for something like this and still say you are lucky to have a friend like me?

Unnati : No! Ashu, I know about this since a year now. 

Ashi : How?

Unnati : Well, you remember when we had to work on a project together for one of our assignments and I came over to your place as we had to finish of the assignment? At that time we took an 1 hour break and you went to have a shower while I was sitting in your room. I was going through my cell when suddenly it got windy and the papers on your table started fly all over the place I got up to close the window and also placed the paper back when I saw that your diary on the table which was open. I didn't want to read it but then I saw the name Randeep and that caught my attention and I started reading it. First I was thinking could this be Bhai who you were talking about since he also was studying in new York but then I thought maybe it is another person, who you were talking about as at that time you didn't tell me which uni you went to as you didn't want to talk about New York at all. After that I completely forgot about this until Bhai came back to india and when you guys met at the temple coldly. My memory was going back to what I read in the diary and that's how I started having doubts. At that time I didn't know what to do, so I asked Komal aunty what uni you went to in New York and when she told me I was shocked because that was the same uni Bhai went to. I was so mad at that time, that how could you blame my brother for this and I was going to confront you but I didn't as something stopped me from doing that. I wasn't able to stay angry at you and had this hope that maybe you will tell me some day. When you and Bhai had agreed to get married that day I was surprised after knowing your past but then I thought you both probably must have sorted everything out but I guess that was not the case.

Ashi : Why didn't you tell me anything that time Unnati? You knew all this time but you acted like you didn't know and you are still not angry at me? 

Unnati : I told you, I couldn't stay angry at you, maybe it is the friendship that we shared.

Ashi : I'm seriously lucky to have a friend like you. If it was someone else they would have been mad at me. You are really sweet, I'm lucky to have you in my life. I wanted to tell you about this before but I was scared of losing your friendship.

Unnati : Everyone makes mistake and so did you and the big thing is you accepted it but tell me one thing who was responsible for Pia's state.

Before, she can reply, Imli calls them down as the lunch is ready. She sighs relief! 

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