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Now it's been 2 years since that day. Keith now is a journalist for the Daily SOUN News. The journalist department. He left Ellewood and resides in the big city SOUN City at Sapphire Tower, for his hard work in the last assignment on checking a controversial and notorious asylum in Evian. He already moved on from everything in the past 2 years that happened to him.

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP. Keith snoozes the alarm. He sits by his bed. His phone starts ringing. It the chief of the department, Mr. Porter.

"Hello..." Keith answered.

"Keith...It's chief." Mr. Porter.

"What can I help, chief?"

"Now...You wanted a lighter work than the last job, am I right. So... I gotcha one. But you gotta come by my office at 10am. Comprende?"

Keith looks at the time. It's almost 9 in the morning. "I'll be there, chief...Arrivederci." He ends the call, stretches his arm and body as he starts getting ready to head to work.

Keith locks the door of his apartment.

"Morning Keith...Heading to work?" Mr. Astra smiling

Keith said, "Morning...Well...Duty calls. Be safe Mr. Astra." He exits his apartment to his office.

He arrives at the Daily SOUN News Building and meets with the chief. The chief was enjoying some coffee and sandwiches when chief's office. He looks at Keith's casual wear and his brownish hair and facial hair. "You look casual to office...Take a sit, boy."

"What job are you gonna throw to me." Keith asks.

"Just a simple a write-up about a new musical show 'Dear Me' in the Hallwood in Star Heights. Just simple...We booked an interview with its director and main actress this weekend. Is this light enuff for ya?" Chief looks at him and sips his coffee.

"Better than almost being in a body bag, chief. Thanks chief. I owe you one!" Keith leaves to his table.

A guy with a spiky hair and wide shoulder came to his table. "Did chief throw you a bone?"

"You bet, H..." Keith answered.

"What is it about, I might have some intel on it." He grabs a chair sides beside Keith.

"I guess I could tell you Hendry since what I'm going to do is kinda of your forte. It's about a musical show called 'Dear Me'. Do you know about any of this? Chief booked me to I.V with the director and main actress."

"Ooo! I know...I went to watch it with Jenny a week ago. All I can say is. It's a self-empowerment musical. I liked it. The main actress was maqnifique! She had everything. The looks, the voice, the figure! She... is... it!"

"Does Jenny know about you're overly praising the actress?" Keith looks sarcastically.

"Shhh...Shh...C'mon man."

"Just playing man...I'll keep it to myself. So what's her name?"

"I didn't get much detail on it. Just a stage name. Lyna...Dumont. She's gorgeous! I would be so jealous if someone has a relationship with her."

"Damn H...Stop being a creepy stalker or something. If you want an autograph. I could get you when I see her jeez." Keith pushes Hendry.

"Thanks man...I actually wanted that but didn't want to look that obvious." Hendry smirks.

"It's OB...VI...OUS. Now go get yourself busy." Keith shoos Hendry.

Before weekend came. Keith heads back to Ellewood to meet his family and check up on Brian. Keith walks up at the front yard of his house.

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