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Keith took a long leave in taking care of her mother who was in ward for a month. Today, they are heading back to Ellewood. 2 weeks until Brian and Karen's wedding. Keith still wonders where has Selena have gone since she left the hospital. She wasn't performing and her name doesn't seemed to pop out anymore. It just went silent.

Keith helps her mom to their house. "Thank you Keith...I raised a good son."

"You did..." He smiles. He opens the door. Brian, Karen, Hendry, Jenny and Amanda surprises them.


Keith's mom smiles and grateful for them. Keith helps her mother up to her room and walks back down. Keith thanked and grateful to every each of them.

"I can thank so much to all of you." Keith said. "I'm sorry B you had to postpone your wedding until fall."

"Anything for my best man. I didn't want my best all sad on my wedding." Brian hugs him.

They celebrate. Smiles all around in the house. Keith looks at every each of them and he feels lucky to have them in his life and Selena came into his mind. He walks out the house the front. Night has fall and the moon came up. The cool wind breezing. He misses her and wished she could've been here enjoying it with her.

Brian pats Keith's shoulder. "You miss her?"

"Deeply..." He smiles lightly. "If only she was here to celebrate."

"I'm sure wherever she is. I know she would be happy to hear that your mom is back home." Brian leaves him alone outside.

He took out the ring he bought for her when he went up to help her mom to her room.

"If you were here right now." He stares at the ring.

An Uber stops in front of the house. Keith stares from a far. A familiar figure came out of the Uber. A familiar figure came out wearing a short white dress and black long hair being blew by the wind.

They stared at each other. They slowly approach each other. Keith couldn't believe it. Selena was smiling wide as she slowly approaching.

Keith immediately hugs her and swirls her. That smile Keith hasn't had for so long came back as he was swirling her. Brian and the others stood at the front watch a happy Keith. They all smiled watching them.

"Love is amazing." Brian cuddles with her fiancée Karen.

"It's amazing to be in love." Keith's mom said as she smiles.

Keith and Selena stares at everyone with smiles.

Keith stares to her eyes. "Where were you since the hospital?"

"I left the industry...I was unhappy since we went our ways. I left everything." She said.

"What about your dream you always wanted?" Keith looking surprised.

"It was fun while it lasted. There's no more Lyna Dumont. Just Selena Dumont." She smiles and caresses his smiling face. "I love you Keith..."

"I know. But how did you know mom was coming back today?" Keith smiles.

"Mom, told me..." They both look at Keith's mom. "Now come here."

They both kiss each other.

2 weeks later. It was Brian and Karen's wedding. The wind breezing coolly through the park full of smiling faces under the fall season that is nearing winter. Every bit of people there were full of happiness and excitement. There sits a man with dark brownish medium length hair on the bench alone wearing a tuxedo; holding a small box and stuttering his right foot, looking really nervous but excited at the same time.

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