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Now winter season arrives and almost Christmas, Keith was at the SOUN City Police Department to gain some info for his book about the mysterious White Lotus. He met with the Detective Michael Quadryno that handled the case and witness them first hand of it 2 years ago.

"Thank you for the info, Detective." Keith shakes his hand.

"Don't bother...But I warn you. Please be careful. What you're doing won't go unnoticed if they still exist. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year." Det. Quadryno puffs with cigarette.

"Thanks for the warning. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keith acknowledges Det. Quadryno's warning and leaves the building. He receives a text message.

Selena texts. "Keith~~~~ Im in the big city having a photo shoot soon! Once I'm done. I'll be having a break for a while b4 my new project which is after New year. I miss u...U free?"

Keith smiles, "I was just done with my research 4 my book. Im free. When r u done with the photo sesh?" Keith replies.

"At 4pm...I'll be free. Meet me at the park?"

Keith heads back to Daily SOUN building.

"I heard that Lyna is having a photo shoot in the city." Hendry whispers.

"Are you stalking or something, H?" Keith stares suspiciously.

"I have my ways..." Hendry chuckles. "Sorry Keith."

Keith shoos Hendry away from his desk. "Don't you get anything to do? Sheesh..."

"Maybe it's time bring her to meet you family man. Since it's almost Christmas. You got time to you have a meaningful Christmas."

Keith didn't respond to Hendry's idea but he is taking considerations for it. He went to meet with Selena at SOUN Park. He sits and the bench waiting for and the chilling wind breezing in.

Selena closes both his eyes. "Guess who misses you?" She chuckles in her winter outfit. She back hugs him with warmth. "It's been 6 months not seeing you."

"We did always video call each other, text, call each other for the past 6 months." Keith said.

She kisses his left cheek, "That's not enough! So what should we do since we're both going to be free for quite a time?"

"I think we should go and celebrate Christmas with my family. Maybe this would be best time to meet them, you know?" Keith said.

She pouts and thinks about it. "Why not...But. Let's go to Prince Island first! Let's meet my aunt Kayla and my parent's grave before we go down to Ellewood. Deal?" She offers a shake,

He shakes it and kisses her on the lips and walks to the car, "Deal! Let's go! I've always wanted to go check Prince Island!"

Along their journey to Prince Island. Keith asks her, "Are you able to attend B's wedding next year?"

"I can't say...I need to check my schedule. When is the date?"

"Brian said they are going to wed during summer or spring season." Keith replies.

"I'll get back to you when I'm able to get a definite answer."

Keith nods his head.

"Look! The Prince Bridge!" She stares at the bridge connecting the Prince Island with SOUN City.

"You lead me the way."

Selena guides her the road in Prince Island while she shows him the places she used to hang out and have fun with friends. She guides to the cemetery where her parents are buried. They bought flowers as the walk into the cemetery and to her parent's graves. There she slowly approach their graves with 'Damian Dumont' and 'Elena Dumont' ingrained on their stones.

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