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The snow has already falling and today is Christmas. Selena enjoy her stay at Keith's house and having fun with his family. She teaches and share some tips with Amanda in dancing. Everything looks great.

"Keith! Can you head to the store and get me some of these before dinner?" Keith's mom gives the list.

"Sure." Keith said.

"I'll come with you." Selena said happily.

Keith's mom brings out a pecan pie out of the oven. "I almost forgot. Send this pie for Brian and Karen."

Keith's mom packs the pie and they went to the grocery store. They stroll around like a couple and Selena didn't need to cover herself. She could be herself in Ellewood. There weren't many people since today is Christmas and they were enjoying themselves as a couple.

"It's so peaceful here. I'm enjoying my stay here in Ellewood." She looks around holding Keith's arm.

"That's what I love about Ellewood." Keith checks the list and pushing trolley.

After they were done buying the groceries. They stumbled with someone.


"Natalie...?" Keith looks at her. "You look good. How's Zack"

"You don't say...We're taking a break for a sec...Well, Merry Christmas to you." Natalie walks in the grocery store.

"Wasn't that your ex-girlfriend that was supposed to get like married 2 years ago?" Selena asks.

"Yeah...It doesn't bother me now. That's the life she chose." They leave the grocery store for Brian's house.

Brian was at the front porch as they arrived to deliver the pecan pie Keith's mom made,

"Keith! Selena! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you!" Brian hugs them. "I ship you guys a lot! When are you going to put a ring on it?"

"When it feels right...That's what he said." Selena answered.

"You already discuss about this did ya?" Brian with a sneaky smile at Keith.

Keith gives the pie. "You'll know when the time comes. Just wait for a little bit. How's Karen?"

"Still busy preparing for the wedding with mom and pops inside. I hope everything works out."

"I'm sure things will work out. Don't you worry junkie wannabe." Keith pats Brian's shoulder. "We've got to go...See you when I see you, B."

"You betcha bro! Merry Christmas."

Keith and Selena head back to Keith's house and enjoy their Christmas dinner together. It was the happiest Christmas he had. Keith couldn't remember the last time he had big smile during Christmas. After they were done with dinner, Keith lend a hand with washing the dishes while Amanda and Selena watch some TV programs.

"You look so happy, Keith." Keith's mom said.

"You noticed it?"

"I'm your mom and you're my son. I can see it. She's keeper Keith. Make sure you treat her well when you're ready to pop the question to her. Well, I'm going to get some rest. Goodnight." She went upstairs to her room.

A few days later, they all went up to the hill before midnight and celebrate with watching the fireworks coming from SOUN City. Many people of Ellewood also were up on the hill to watch the view of SOUN City lighting up the fireworks for the New Year. Everyone was laughing, celebrating and enjoying.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone said and celebrating.

Selena watches with a quiet face on her.

"You okay?" Keith cuddles her from the back.

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