Chapter Five

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A/N Hey guys! Sorry for another A/N but I need to tell you who are reading this that I will be gone for the three days after this chapter is posted, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This will not be every week, but just the days after I post this chapter. I will give you this chapter to keep you busy while I'm gone, but it might be a bit shorter than usual. *Gasp*! A switch in POV!

I looked up at the towering Sky Oak and saw Curl's small tabby body about halfway up. "Curl!" I yelled up at him. "That's good enough, you can come down now!" I waited for the loner's shape to stop and start to retreat down the tree, but it didn't happen. He just kept on climbing, higher and higher. I started to panic. Only the most brave apprentice had climbed that high. "Curl!" My voice must have been lost in the wind again, seeing that he still didn't stop his climb.

It was a moment before a realized that I could no longer see him, the small amount of leaves that remained on the tree had covered him from my sight. "Curl!" I screeched. He had to get down now or he would fall his death. Just when I had made up my mind to come up and get him by climbing, I heard a screech of pure terror. I craned my head up to see a shape descending the tree, but it was going much too fast to be climbing down, branch by branch. It was falling. Curl looked limp, letting the branches whip his pelt, and didn't even make a sound when his body smashed into a thick and sturdy branch. He teetered on the edge of it, then slipped off and continued his fall.

The whole episode from the start of the fall to where he would hit the ground was probably about ten seconds, with the branches in the way. He would not survive the fall. Thump. I ran over to the body of the small cat and saw that his eyes were glazed over. A small stream of blood was trickling out of his mouth. I knew he was dead, but I couldn't help whispering, "Curl?" And to no surprise, he didn't answer.

For awhile, I just sat beside his body and mourned. It was all my fault he was dead, I was the one testing him. I was the one who told him to climb the Sky Oak. Why did I tell him to do that? How will the prophecy live on, now that he's dead?

Slowly, as if trying not to wake a sleeping kit, I padded over to small clearing and dug a shallow hole in the ground beneath a tree. I then dragged Curl's young body into the hole and re buried it. Then I padded back to my Clan.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting!" My calls that echoed around the stone hollow brought my Clan into the clearing. I waited for ThunderClan to settle into the clearing before speaking. "Cats of ThunderClan, the loner we had been sheltering last night has ran back to its home, away from the Clans." Cats below me grunted in relief; I suspected they didn't like feeding extra mouths as much as I did.

"I shall go to the Moonpool tonight. Lionblaze. Squirrelflight, go and get traveling herbs from Jayfeather. Meet me by the thorn barrier afterward. You are dismissed." I leaped down from Highledge, not sure if I should be excited over my receiving my nine lives or mourning over Curl's death.

Just then, Bumblestripe yowled from the nursery


"What are their names?" I asked curiously.

"Well this is Stormkit," Dovewing pointed to a light gray tabby with blue eyes, just like Bumblestripe, but more muscular. "and this is Birdkit," she pointed to a light brown tabby she-cat, with green eyes. "Then there is Hollykit," Hollykit was a darkish silver tabby, with green eyes. She had unusual short legs. Dovewing nudged another kit, "And finally Curlkit, named after his strange curled ears." Curlkit was a longhaired dark gray tabby, with curled ears. Just like Curl! I wanted to yowl this to the whole clan, but I kept my mouth shut.

"They came early, way too early. Birdkit, the weakest may have been affected by this, and may not survive." Jayfeather meowed. But I wasn't listening. The prophecy will live on, maybe. Has StarClan come and given life to another warrior? Just like Cinderheart?

"Brambleclaw, are you alright?"

Bumblestripe's meow jerked him out of his thoughts. "Yes, fine. Those are nice names too." I meowed quickly.


Brambleclaw padded out into the clearing and yet again leaped up onto Highrock. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath Highrock for a clan meeting!" I yowled.

I heard a couple grunts and comments, but eventually everyone joined the meeting.
"As you might know, Dovewing has had her kits!" Cheers rose up from below me. "Their names are Hollykit, Birdkit, Stormkit, and Curlkit." The clan began to chant the names of the newly born kits. "Tonight, I will be traveling to the Moonpool, and I have decided that Graystripe shall take charge until I return." I hopped down from Highledge and gathered Lionblaze and Squirrelflight with me. The prophecy, it can still happen, I thought in my head. It felt as ough I could do anything!

I turned to see Lionblaze and my deputy ready, and meowed firmly, "Let's go."

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