Chapter 11

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We hit the road exactly at six in the morning and managed to reach at eight in the night. I saw KL and Harry sitting outside on the porch, as I went closer KL's eyes widened and I finally took off my helmet to see a very shocked KL staring at me. "Neha?!" I quickly engulf him in a tight hug, suddenly Anushka coughs and we pull apart both of us blushing.
"Hey sweetie"
"I had no clue you were coming here."
"You think my brother wouldn't invite his sister and wife to his party?" He chuckled at this.
"Neha, you have to tell Virat today itself." Anushka tells me.
"I will but I need your help."
"I will help you just come with me."
"Wish me luck KL. I very much need it."
"All the best! Please don't die today." I roll my eyes at this. As I enter inside the living room, I see everyone sitting and chatting, but Virat is not with these people then where is he? I greet them and go find Virat along with Anushka and KL. He's sitting in his room cross-legged watching some video, his eyes were widened, our eyes met and I could see rage in his eyes. Oh good lord! I hope he didn't watch the video. "Neha!"
"Is this the kind of stunts you pull in a pub? Have you lost it?"
"No, no. Virat I was drunk, it was unintentional, please don't be mad."
"Virat she didn't mean to do it." KL said and interlaced his fingers with mine. "Yeah Virat it was unintentional, don't be so hard on her." Anushka chimed in. Virat's eyes fell on our hands.
"Are you two together?"
"Virat I was going to tell you about this."
"When? When Neha? How long has this thing been going on? KL out now!"
"What? There's no way I'm going out, I am here to support her." KL says.
"KL I need to talk to Neha alone." KL looked at me and I gave him a nod, he then walked away from the room. "Neha you still didn't answer my questions."
"We have been together from the past two and a half months."
"I had told you before, that cricketer's are off limits. Then why did you do it?"
"I love him okay? He too loves me back. If you can have someone who loves you then why can't I?"
"Because you're still young and naïve."
"No I'm not what the fuck makes you think that?"
"Neha language."
"Don't give a damn to my language right now."
"I don't want to see you go through all the shit that you went through with Luke again. You were depressed as fuck and I don't want to see you like that again."
"Virat she's an adult, she can do this. She's handled her relationship and work so well."
"Did you know about this Anushka?"
"I did."
"You have got to be kidding me Anushka. Why didn't you tell me about this?. I'll give you two options Neha you either choose him and lose me or you choose me and lose him."
"Virat that's not fair." Anushka says. He just chuckles at that.

I think about this, though it's not fair for him to do that, but he's the one who has been with me forever. When I had no one he had always been with me. Ever since Luke, he and Harry have been super protective about me without the two of them I wouldn't have been able to come out of depression, considering all these factors I say "I choose you"
"Good, now let's all go out and have dinner and then you can break up with him."
"No, I'm not waiting for dinner."
"Our deal didn't involve me staying here, so I am returning back to Mumbai."
"Pagal ho gayi hein kya tu? Itne raat ko mein teko travel karne nahi dunga."
"I'm staying at an hotel and I'll be leaving the first thing tomorrow morning. You can't object to that Virat."
"Fine, go, but atleast have dinner and go."
"No I'm not staying for dinner and that's my decision. Now move out of my way, I have to break up with my boyfriend."

To be continued...

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