Chapter 34

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I splashed water on my face for the fifth time this evening after puking for the third time today. KL had no idea about this, if he finds out that I had been this sick he'd probably leave his England series and come home. I shook the kit for the third time.

"Oh come on mahn, don't do this to me, I don't like suspense." I whined.

I paced around the living room once again and then took a glance at it. It had two lines 'positive'. My happiness knew no bounds. As much as I am excited to be a mom, some part of me is definitely freaking out. Tomorrow is our four year anniversary, also he's returning tomorrow and I think I'd drop this bomb on him then.

I just can't wait to see his face. I think he's going to be an amazing dad.


"Hey babe," KL said and kissed me on my forehead.

"You're early, weren't you supposed to come at 4 in the evening?"

"Yeah but then I took an extra early flight." He smiled my crooked smile. I missed this. Call me crazy but I guess these are hormones!

"Happy Anniversary babe." He said and produced a bouquet of white lillies.

"Aww, I love them thanks."

"Anything for my lady," he said and I let out a laugh. He then hugged me. I pulled out of the hug.

"KL, please go take a shower, you stink, honey." He frowned like a kid.

"Honey I am asking you to take a shower not go off for a war." I told him.

"Alright fine give me a kiss at least." He pouted and I kissed him on the cheek.

"There you go. Now go take a shower." I told him.

"I'll get you back for this Neha." He said while walking in the washroom and I laughed.

I had my plan fully prepared in my head now all I had to do was execute it properly. Firstly, we would have lunch and then play FIFA. Post FIFA I'd tell him while we played catch. I took out his gifts from my closet and placed it on the bed.

It was a first edition copy of Harry Potter signed by J.K. Rowling herself. I had two first edition copies of Harry Potter, one was gifted by Virat and the other by my dad both given to me on my tenth birthday. The last time I went to London I stood in a queue for literally three hours to get the second copy signed by her. Along with that were a couple of  Avengers hoodies and a photo frame of us which we took when we went to New York. Cliché right? But it was a cute photo.

I set up lunch on the table till then. He came out of the shower thanked me for the gifts and produced a blue velvet box. It contained a beautiful Tiffany's diamond bracelet. I thanked him for the gift and we sat for lunch while watching Avengers: Infinity War.


We had lunch and played FIFA now was the time for the reveal and honestly I couldn't control myself. I know this is a very stupid idea but I wanted to do something crazy.

"Hey KL let's play catch."

"Seriously Neha? If you're planning to play with the cricket ball, I'm not letting you, I don't want the furniture to be damaged."

"Arrey no, I'll just throw random objects at you which won't create any damage to the furniture."

"Seriously? What's up with you today?"

"Please na," I gave him puppy eyes.

"Alright, alright, but don't give me puppy eyes."

I started off easy at first I threw an orange at him, then an apple, then a couple of other things and now I was going to throw the test kit at him. I took out the test kit from the pocket of my shorts and threw it at him. Unfortunately, it hit his head and fell on the couch.

"Oww, what the fuck is this!" He said while picking it up from the couch.

"Neha is this?" He said pointing towards me. I nodded and his eyes widened, a smile forming on his lips. He came and he engulfed me in a tight hug.

"When did you find out about this?" He asked me.

"Yesterday," a smile forming on my lips.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now. I love you so much," he kisses me while gently pinning me against the wall, "Did you tell our parents?"

"Not yet, I wanted you to be the first one to know."

"We'll call them tonight, I can already see our mom's and Bhavna buying her dresses."

"How are you so sure it's gonna be a girl?"

"Daddy's instinct. She's gonna be my princess." He proudly told me and I smiled at him

'She's going to have the most amazing dad ever.' I thought to myself. Life could definitely not get any better!

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