48; the biggest threats

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[this is mixed between the events in the book and the movie of breaking dawn. You don't need to read the book to understand. Enjoy]

Just to clarify; Elias didn't like feeling helpless, but for the two weeks he'd been glued by his best friends side, it's hard not to.

Bella's health declined more as the bump between her hips increased. The whole family had spent their time trying to help. Medically speaking, there wasn't much to do- her body neglected most food and drink, the use of a drip filled with nutrients didn't work. They couldn't use scans or needles to see if the baby was okay.

Emotionally, Elias was there, supporting whatever she does, soothing her from Edwards sour attitude towards the situation. It isn't that he doesn't care, he cares too much- he wants Bella alive, he wants Bella happy, but he can't have both when the baby is draining her life to live itself.

Yes. For the biggest predator on earth, all of them felt utterly useless.

"Hey Elle," Bella croaks his attention, literally. The strain in her voice only showing how weak she is.

Elias blinks, turning away from where he'd been staring at one of the white walls. They're on the couch again, Elias reclining back so Bella can relax on his marble chest- she likes the contact, the warmth Elias churns around them. Apparently the baby does too, but Elias doesn't know if that is Bella being honest or her hopeful imagination.

"Yes?" He answers, looking down at her, lips tugging to break his emotionless mask when spotting Bella is still twirling the black band on his ring finger.

"It doesn't feel so different from when we used to camp out in my room," she sighs, stopping her fiddling with the engagement ring. Her eyes are filled with a nostalgic happiness. "Do you remember?"

There's hope in her tone, like always. She'd been asking- secretly, when Elias is sure no one was listening- about his turning. About the pain, the instincts, the way his memories sieved and blurred out unless he kept hold of them. She asked because she wanted to prepare herself when she turned.

If. If her heart doesn't stop first, the negative part of Elias' mind reminds, the words more Edwards than his own. He scowls at the negativity, washing it away before Bella can see it.

"I'd make blueberry pancakes and we would eat them in your bed," his lips pull apart in a smile, dangerous, as speaking means breathing and Bella's scent makes his already coal coloured eyes darken. "You have blue stained pillows because I tripped one morning and dropped the plate."

Bella laughs, quietly, the best she can muster with her depleted energy. Elias likes the sound, likes how for a moment he can pretend her sunken in eyes are from sleepless nights, her odd heartbeat is from her being clumsy, that the bump producing from her stomach isn't killing her.

Elias doesn't feel pain in this new body, he doesn't feel much. Temperatures, sure, when he's not expelling heat. He can feel it in the air, he can sense it, he can change it.

Now, looking down at her, he can't change the cold realisation electrocuting every nerve- his best friend is sick. The girl who's a sister, a twin, is dying.

Ironic, in a twisted sick way. Like laughing at a funeral. Because Elias realises that this is what Bella must have felt like when they sat in that hospital room, words like tumours, cancer, life expectancy, being thrown around.

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