19; they're gone

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Just to clarify; Bella asked, specifically for the birthday she didn't want to celebrate, that Elias treated her normally and didn't make a fuss of her.

After the mess his 18th had turned out to be- Benjis nose broken, David's pinky sprained and the whole family having to pull them apart- Elias decides it isn't such a bad thing to comply to her wishes.

"Will you ever let me drive?" Elias says, like he does everyday, elbow resting against the open truck window, a cigarette between his long fingers.

"I've been told by your dad to never let you drive," Bella informs, glancing at him, eyes lingering on the red embers flying off the cigarette.

"You want one?" Elias asks, using his other hand to pull the pack out his pocket and offering it to her.

Bellas nose wrinkles- she doesn't mind the smell of it, that's why Elias smokes in the truck, but the window has to be open since she didn't like tasting it. "No thank you?"

"What-" Elias laughs at her unsure response, "-You don't want to try something new for your birthday?" He teases, inhaling the smoke happily.

"Actually, there is something I need," Bella mumbles, one hand reaching for something in her open backpack on the seats between them. "My moms demanding pictures."

The flash of the camera dazes Elias.

"Hey!" He shouts, blinking back stars. He snatches the camera out of her hands, ignoring the way she laughs. "Let me take one of us."

He throws the cigarette out and rolls the windows back up. Leaning in next to the brunette, he holds the camera out so they can both fit in the frame.

"Say vampire dick!" He smiles, Bellas face slacks in the way it normally does when he makes a dirty joke, then the flash goes off.

The car jerks to the side on the empty road at Bellas surprise. Elias grabs hold of the wheel, swerving them back to straight with a bark of laughter, "Jesus Bella! You really can't multitask."

"I can, I was just surprised," she mutters, giving him a faux glare.

Bella pulls into the small diner parking lot not long after. Elias jumps out of the truck, only pausing so the smaller girl can catch up with him before he rushes them into the restaurant.

A women greets them by name and seats them near the windows, Eli is used to the hospitality of his small town and doesn't even think it over. He just asks Bella what she thinks she'll have- Elias is one of those people who judges on their food choice.

"Did you hear about Mike and Jessica?" Bella asks after their food has been delivered. She ordered a burger, no onion, and he had curly fries and chicken strips.

"No, what?" Elias frowns, looking up from where he had been tearing chicken up with his fingers.

Bellas expression is questionable. "How have you not heard? It's all the groups been talking about today."

Elias shrugs, thinking back to school and the people there- he only makes small conversation with Angela and Tyler. Ever since he'd decided to end his human life- so to speak- after graduation, he'd slowly started distancing himself from human friends. It was just easier.

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